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Sociocultural Linguistics

The Sociocultural linguistics is a field of study that brings into scope the various approaches, methodologies and theories ion the learning of languages in the particular sociocultural context and contents. The general rise in trends of the applications of the sociocultural prospectus is due to the growth in the association of sociolinguistics with the various types of research that look at various dimensions of the linguistic studies. The various types of research include the close association of sociolinguistics with the quantitative analysis of the linguistics characteristics .the other type of correlation entails the sociological variables that are taken into account while carrying out the research (Hymes, 2008).

The study also looks at the distinction and clarification that highlights the importance of the creating a vital awareness of a holistic approach that must be used when considering the interdisciplinary relationship when looking the culture, society and the languages (Friedrich, 2007). The areas of studies in the Sociocultural linguistic incorporates the studies in other field s of study such as discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, sociology of languages, folklore studies, literary and social theories, media studies, sociolinguistics, social psychology as well as philosophy of languages.


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The Sociocultural linguistics generally takes an interdisciplinary mechanism when looking at the learning of the various languages when looking at the cultural and the social functionality of the language in usage at a given setting. Most of the dominant linguistics in the world has been the cognitive and generative linguistics that were more known in the early times of the studies of linguistics. There have been attempts by various linguists to bring the study of linguistics close to other social inquiries.

It is important for the linguists to look beyond the personal opinion of the subject matter in consideration but need to look at the scientific interpretation (Sapir,2009) and meaning in the human conduct under given circumstances (Bucholtz, 2005). Whether one likes of dislikes the patterns of the individual, the studies must take into account the sociological, psychological and anthropological problems that usually attack the field of languages.



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