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Environmental Stressors

Stress is a definition that has found its usage in many biological and psychological terms. The word stress was first coined in the mid 1930’s and over the years it has become one of the common words or phrases to describe a certain situation. The term stress can be often used to refer to the failure that is exhibited by the human mind in responding appropriately to an emotional, environmental or a physical threat. These threats may however be either actual or in isolated cases imagined.

An environmental stressor is a term that refers to a force or event in the natural environment that may cause a human being to experience stress. Some of the stressors may include light, humidity, levels of temperature, and natural disasters among others. These stressors have in recent studies shown that they can have great effects on people’s behavior, mood or any other normal characteristics of a person. Stressors may in some cases affect the growth, reproduction and development on humans who may inhabit these environments.

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In this student’s opinion, environmental stressors such as temperature extremes tend to overload the body with physical demands which the body may find hard to cope with. This opinion is greatly supported by studies which show that as the temperatures increases the human will tend to be more stressed and this may increase the levels of aggression (Rathus and Nevid, 2002).

Further studies tend to show that as light, humidity, levels of temperature and other stressors vary they tend to impact on the performance of an individual. Researches in classrooms have shown that as the temperature and humidity levels are increased, the achievement and ability to perform tasks by students is reduced. The situations may however be reserved by providing temperatures which are conducive for learning environment ( King and Marans, 1979).


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