Why do you consider it a consultation, rather than co-management, referral, collaboration, or supervision?
I positively agree with what the student considered in the discussion of the question. According to Hamric, Spross and Hanson (2005), a consultation involves a consultee who specializes in one area of practice, and requests the management of a situation by an expert, whose area of specialty involves the condition under study. This means that the consultee will continue to provide services to the patient with the prescribed condition within the time limit expected of him. In the above scenario, it is evident that it was a consultation rather than a co-management, referral, collaboration or supervision basing from the fact that the consultant and consultee are managing different issues with the consultee being the provider of services to the patient. The woman suffered two conditions, one from the medical side, while the other from the mental side, though interconnected (Merli, Weitz and Lubin, 1993). The involvement of the group was to solve the medical part that occurred because of her psychiatric condition. The consultee only gave the students the mandate to manage the medical condition, rather than collaborate in the psychiatric condition, thus refuting the fact that the service was a co-management. Furthermore, the management of the two conditions happened independently with the experts involved. Due to the use of diversified expertise in treating the woman, one cannot suggest the situation as supervision, as no superior person was administering the treatment. The consultee concentrated on management of psychiatric condition as the students maintained on the treatment management. Additionally, the service cannot be referral since the consultee only conditioned the students to treat the medical concern of the woman, rather than practice psychiatric management (Mercado and Smetana, 2002). The psychiatric condition was left to the consultee to manage.
What steps of the algorithm on page 198 of the Hamric text were used in the consultation process?
According to Hamric et al (2005), consultation process involves different stages. Focusing on the above scenario, the parties involved completed all the steps of the process. These steps include the following:
- Receipt of the consultation – receipt of the woman with different issues affecting her life
- Evaluation of the request – evaluation of her condition and the management found out she has a psychiatric condition for management of suicidal ideations, depression and anxiety. Additionally, the patient had medical concerns on hypertension, diabetes, COPD and chronic back pain.
- Decision by the management if the condition was appropriate for consultation – the management considered the patient for treatment
- Completion of an HPI for the patient
- Designing of an assessment of the issues that the patient passed through - the consultee requested additional backup from the students to help in managing the medical concerns of the diseases before managing the psychiatric concern.
- Making of the plans and recommendations for each of the assessments – the students conditioned the woman to drugs as the consultee maintained on the managing of the psychiatric condition and pain management. Additionally, further consultation and teaching concerning the medical conditions were of help to her situation. The consultants recommended for continuity in the prescribed regimen and completion of the care her physician provided her.
- Outlining of a plan for re-evaluation and follow-up until the medical condition of the patient is stable – the follow-up by the consultant in ensuring that she regains her condition.
The student gave correct steps in consultations as depicted by the writer.
What were the characteristics of the consultation such as formal or informal, complicating factors, key players, etc.
The above situation was a formal consultation. This follows the documentation request that followed the seven steps of the algorithm. Additionally, the consultation also had complicating factors. This followed the appearance of other diseases that resulted from the psychiatric condition. Thus the consultants found out that the patient developed medical conditions because of irregular intake of her medications due to the stress related to her psychiatric condition. The case was strong on the chronic backache as it reflected her medical history due to the intake of narcotics.
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