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Organ Donation

Have you ever thought of what one would do if they had the power to raise people from death? Well, I believe if most of us got that chance all your dead relatives, friends, and loved ones would have the chance to breathe again. How many people give it a thought, when they hear of the many deaths occurring daily in hospitals due to lack of donors? Most people think of it, but very few will step and be of help. Apparently, that which everyone covets to have someday, the power to raise people from death has been given unto us in abundance. Giving that organ to a needy recipient has no difference with giving people a second chance to live.

Over the years, people have considered blood donation more valuable than organ donation; a lot of people have showed up and donated blood. Often more people will need blood than those who will require an organ transplant, but among those in need of blood others also need an organ to work on the donated blood. If they do not get that organ, then the donated blood is lost, it is just like asking a dump person to present a speech or taking people to a football pitch and asking them to play without a ball. Therefore, even as people donate blood let them not forget that lack of an organ and, presence of blood will not make a person live.                      


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With these, I believe that many more people will show up and help save lives. The joy that one experiences when they have saved a life cannot be compared to anything else the world has to offer’ it brings more contentment. Saving life comes along with so many blessings.



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