With reference to the above,I hereby seek to apply to your institution.Ihopeto continue pursuing an Economic-Finance program. The transfer is from Quincy CommunityCollege. My current visit to the institution inspired mymoveto join yourcollege. It has asereneenvironment suitable for studying purposes. I fluentlyconversefour languages, namely English, Arabic, French, and Spanish. I have hadan opportunitytoresidein three countries including Lebanon, Dominican Republic, and Boston.
I have aspirations which Iwill attainin BentleyUniversity. My plans to continue with a post-graduate degree in the sameinstitutionwould only beprudentif Istartfamiliarizing with the lecturers and studentsatlarge.
BentleyUniversityhas been a nursery ofknowledge,and most of the alumni of the university aresuccessfuland well-established thanks to thefoundationthey got at Bentley.The standard of education offered at yourinstitutionwillempowerme to be anall-roundedpersonin the society. Ibelievemy future depends on the inspiration and ideas on tackling life I willpickat your college. I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa, an honoursocietyfor community colleges. My loyalty and obedience to thesocietyhas earned me areputationtoreckon,and I hope to maintain the same when I join Bentley.
Bentley has a relatively large library and lecture halls fully furnished to ensureeasyandhumblebreedinggroundof knowledge.Itreallyinspires me tostudy.Besides, my first visit has remained to be a driving force towards joining theinstitution.
Youracceptanceand subsequent approval of myappealwould be highly appreciated. I promise to beahardworking for the generalbenefitof Bentley community.
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