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Project and Team Leadership

I'd like to make it clear, that our team has already exceeded the budgeted funds, set to complete the compensation deployment project. As such, the project team is expected to review its budget and make recommendation on the amount that would be required to complete the task.

Effective, February 6, 2012 we will have six weeks to complete the compensation deployment project. The team is, therefore, expected to review its schedule to ensure that the tasks are completed in time. The project should be completed within the reviewed budgeted funds and in six weeks time.

The New Technologies compensation and benefits revamping project is meant to benefit the Next Technologies ‘entire staff. It’s timely completion and within the budget is, therefore, beneficial for the company and its employees.

I'm certain that the team will review the budget and their schedules to ensure that the project is done within the given period. Thank you for your dedication and flexibility.

Rose Higgins

New Technologies

Underperforming employees can derail the activities of a project team causing projects to take more time than planned, or to fail completely (Hennessy & Finney, 2004). The New Technologies compensation and benefits revamping project is currently behind the schedule by six weeks. This is because one of the team members has been consistently late affecting the team’s morale. To mitigate this issue the project leader should speak to the employee to find out the causes of the employee’s underperformance.


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Since, the morale of entire team has been affected the most appropriate disciplinary measure find out whether the employee know what is expected from him or her. Then, communicate what s/he is expected to deliver and inform the employee of the consequence should s/he fail to meet those expectations. This should be documented, incase further disciplinary measure is required (Hennessy & Finney, 2004). To ensure that the underperforming employee improves his or her performance, there should be a weekly follow up of his performance to evaluate whether there are changes in his performance. Should he fail to improve s/he should be dismissed from the team. Alternatively the employee can be couched or trained to ensure that the employee can be able to meet the expected performance.



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