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The purpose of a perception worksheet was to provide me with some information about my image in the eyes of the representatives of my nearest social surrounding. I had my friend; my family member and my classmate evaluate me using the 7-point scale for each of 15 features. All their depictions of me turned out to be quite similar to my self-image.

In all the three assessments, nearly all participants agreed closely with less than 2 points difference. According to these results, both, I and the respondents consider myself to be quite open-minded. I believe that different people may vary tremendously due to their social position, cultural level, personal experience, and individual qualities. I am open to advice from others in regard to various situations. I constantly seek for assistance, ideas and opinions’ whenever in need. My husband has in mind when my boss expressed the need for change in the computer system, and I was the only person excited to embrace change. When a situation arises, I am willing to approach it from different means. It is quite obvious that the origin of these similarities of perception stems out from the closeness between me, and the people interviewed. In other words, my friend and my family member are well acquainted such that their perception of me corresponds with mine.


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On the scale of “Dominative – Submissive," everyone was inconclusive on the chart. My family member considers me to be moderately dominative. This impends from my younger years as well as now. For instance, My Mother told when I was a child; she would bring me to my Father’s workplace for a visit. When I asked for a lollipop, and denied one, I would sit and show displeasure and cry and throw a tantrum. She has also told me that, I would follow her around the house to see if she were going to change her mind on a decision that she had made. My mother would say when I was a child; I needed every color of paper. Seemingly, there is no explanation to some of these situations, but they just amaze me. My friend also agreed that, in some cases, I want to be in control in the house. I express this by wanting to be responsible for all the finances in the house and assign errands that need to be run by my husband. For instance, my husband says there are times, I want every design of a shoe in the stall, and I will make every effort purchase it. Despite this, I consider them a waste of money that we could have set aside to purchase a house. My husband noted that, in recent years, I have begun making concrete choices in life, and luxury is not a priority to me.

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My respondents consider me to be a nervous and anxious person, and I do not dispute. Nervousness is a common trait in the family; nearly all my family members are easily agitated and uneasy when things do not run smoothly. When I was a child, I was in a threatening situation, I lost control of my life, and my survival depended on someone else’s decision. This situation had a profound effect on my life to date. Most people relate this experience as the ultimate cause of my uneasiness and nervousness. More often than not, I am uneasy around unfamiliar people, although my mother considers me to be self-confident and bold.

One time in life I made a mistake with a cosmetic choice and use, which left me with a burn. This has since made me self-conscious about my appearance. At times, I feel too insecure about my look in public, and this portrays me as being shy. This test ascertains that social image of a person cannot be considered to be some distinct representation. An individual's self-image will most likely differ from how other people perceive us, even if they seem to know and understand us better. Nonetheless, it is not viable to find two people who are perfectly identical. From the practical point of view, this perception survey gave me an excellent opportunity to observe how others perceive me, and as a result, be able to understand both them, and I better.



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