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New Jersey Medicaid


DMAHS govern state and federally sponsored health insurance agenda groups of moderate and low-income people. Furthermore, New Jersey Medicaid is a privileged program that gives health insurance for more than 500,000 very low-income parents, children, and individuals who are blind, aged, or disabled. Again, it pays for hospital, prescription drug, doctors, nursing home, and various other healthcare benefits (Jersey).

Background of New Jersey Medicaid

The program was enacted in the year 1965 through adjustments to the Social Security Act; Medicaid is a long-term health coverage program that is equally financed by the federal government and states. Every state launches and oversees its own Medicaid program. It also determines the duration, amount, type, and scope of services covered in broad federal guidelines. Furthermore, the states must cover definite mandatory benefits and may choose to provide other not obligatory benefits. The Federal law also obliges states to cover positive mandatory qualified groups such as qualified children, parents, and pregnant women with low income. Others include the aged and people with exceptional needs with low income. Furthermore, States have the suppleness to cover other elective eligibility groups and set agreed criteria contained by the federal standards. The “Affordable Care Act of 2010” fashioned a new national Medicaid least eligibility level that wrap up most America people with household earnings to 143% of the national poverty level. This new eligibility requirement is effective January 1, 2014, but states may wish to expand coverage before this date.

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Stakeholders in the Organization

This program requires some specifications for one to be a stakeholder of the organization. In the sense of New Jersey Medicaid, a stakeholder is one who effect or is affected on an effort in the organization. Therefore, the program stakeholders include people in the states who eligibly joined the program. Nevertheless, he is a strong person who is concerned in daily operations of the organization. First, one must US national, must be inhabitants of the State of New Jersey, and citizen. Again, he must be a permanent inhabitant in need of health care or insurance assistance, whose financial condition would be characterized as exceedingly low income or moderate low income. A woman has to be either pregnant, be responsible for children under 19 years of age, or have children with a disability. Recently, New Jersey Medicaid has the number of exceptional programs meant to meet the particular medical needs of confident groups of people who would not otherwise meet the criteria for the program. Some of these programs include the Medical Emergency Payment Program for Aliens, NJCEED, Home, and Community Based Services Waiver Programs among others.

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Impact of New Jersey Medicaid to its Stakeholders

New Jersey Medicaid has contributed immensely to its stakeholders. Several impacts that the program has include giving health insurance to the low-income children, parents, and those with the special needs. The head of New Jersey Medicaid program in conjunction with the stakeholders try to help the underprivileged in the society and those people with the special needs (Investigation). For example, the program gives equal healthcare to all the people in the society. This contributes to the reduction of the poverty level in the globe. Other positive impacts include the standard participation scenario, which examines the national impact and the results by every state. New Jersey Medicaid program provides family care through various sub programs such as New Jersey Program, which is used for children whose are uninsured. Again, family earnings are high for them to be entitled for traditional Medicaid but not too high for them to be capable of affording private health insurance.

Status of New Jersey Medicaid Today

Currently, New Jersey Medicaid has established exceedingly many sub programs that assist in its functions. Today, the New Jersey Medicaid program has expanded significantly and has many challenges and demerits to New Jersey. Nevertheless, the governor of New Jersey, who is known as Chris Christie accepted national money to increase Medicaid health to thousands of people who are uninsured new Jersyians through the Medicaid expansion. Today, Medicaid eligibility varies from state to state in that many parents coverage unless their incomes are exceptionally low and many aged without reliance children cannot obtain coverage at all. According to a research study conducted by Centre of Budget and Policy priorities, the number of stakeholders is going to rise in the future. The enrollment of stakeholders is expected to rise by 149000 as children, parents who are suitable for Medicaid join in health coverage for the reason of other elements of the Affordable Care Act, and the requirement for people to pay a penalty or pay coverage, outreach to enroll people in exchange subsidies, simplified eligibility procedures, and improved coordination.

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Future of Medicaid Program

Based on Kaiser Family Foundation report released about how the House-passed budget will affect the New Jersey Medicaid in future analyze projects state by state effects of changing Medicaid into a block contribution and eliminating the intended expansion of the program by abolishing the health reform rule, as called for in the House Budget Plan. This finds that the plan would prompt significant decline in Medicaid program spending that could result in considerable enrollment decreases contrasted to current ridges, a shift with humongous connotations for states, hospitals, and tens of millions of low-income Americans who expected would end. From a practical perception, it is quite doubtful that the federal government will make the full amount of Medicaid expenditure now scheduled under law," Blahous wrote, citing rising U.S. debt and pressure to reduce it.


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