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Refusing Immunizations

The denial of vaccination became a trend throughout the United States where it is considered as a part of the widespread movement aimed at limiting the number of toxins to which children are exposed. There is a need to think not about the punishment for refusing immunization, but about how to make better quality vaccines. It is crucial to improve control over vaccines. Moreover, the authorities should respect people’s right to do or not to do vaccinations. Human life can be at risk because of dangerous side effects that are associated with immunization processes. Therefore, the state should allow some people to refuse immunizations.

Vaccines are immunobiological active drugs that can cause not only positive reaction that results in the formation of immunity to infection, but they can become originators of unwanted or adverse effects. The genetic modifications, immune deficits, and environmental expositions contribute to the person’s reaction to inoculations against disease (Maron, 2015). Adverse reactions to vaccines can be divided into general (reaction involving the whole body) and local (reaction occurring at the injection area). Local adverse reactions include seal, redness, soreness, and swelling at the injection site, increased lymph nodes, and allergic urticaria. Common reactions include malaise, abundant rash, fever, anxiety, sleep and appetite disorders, headache, dizziness, brief loss of consciousness, prolonged unusual crying. According to the rules, before immunization, the doctor must conduct a medical examination to avoid any of these. Moreover, taking into account the human factor is essential. The practice of in-line service are strict compliance with these regulations by staff are obligatory. These are necessary to prevent another serious problem – vaccination by medication that is stored in the inappropriate conditions or just passed the expiry date. Therefore, the most serious post-vaccination complications are related to the above-mentioned issues.


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In addition to the adverse reactions, vaccination can cause complications and even diseases. The complications include anaphylactic shock and collapse, convulsions, and neurological disorders. Herman (2014) argued that vaccines caused “autism and other forms of neurological damage in 1 out of 150 children and, occasionally, death”. Vaccines lead to inhibition of the children development, which gives reasons for considering multicomponent vaccines that contain live viruses as an important reason for autism. Any vaccine can upset the balance of the body and cause autism (Akkad, 2015). In fact, autism rarely occurs in children after the immune problems that are not related to vaccination. This disease does not develop in the organisms of unvaccinated children.

Immunization can contradict individual views and beliefs. Traditionally, the representatives of Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse vaccinations as they do not accept transfusion of blood and the use of its components (plasma, red blood cells, etc.). This religious organization considers the blood use as a violation of their God’s law. Some Muslims also refuse immunization. The opponents of immunization believe that the vaccine is made from human’s or pig's blood. That is, the product is halal, and consequently, unacceptable according to the canons of Islam. From the above-mentioned facts it is clear that vaccination may be not approved by some religious or moral convictions. Health is a private matter of each individual, and thus, he/she has the right to decide what is best.

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Vaccinations are not as needed as before because they are not efficient in preventing the diseases. There is a widespread opinion that since the introduction of mass vaccination, there has been a significant decline in the prevalence and severity of the respective disease. However, the hasty assumption that it has been achieved precisely because of vaccination remains unproven. Modern vaccines are too inefficient in terms of their direct purpose. In addition, the risks of diseases, from which people are vaccinated, can be too exaggerated.

The control of infectious diseases around the world is one of the most serious problems. As it is known, for complex questions there are no simple answers. Certainly, immunizations provide a number of advantages and contribute to overall protection of health in the national scale. Nevertheless, there are also dangers that are related to the process of immunization. Therefore, people should have the right to do their own choice about their health. It is possible that such freedom of choice can contribute to more confidential attitude to vaccinations. The most important thing is not only education of the benefits and need of immunizations, but also improvement of the vaccines quality. To my mind, people should have the right to refuse immunization.



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