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Sustainability comprises efforts to conserve natural resources and to avoid waste in all organizational operations. It includeseconomic, social and environmental.In organizationsthe sustainability is aparamountconcernandmostlyhuman sustainability.It brings changes in theperformanceandproductivityof an organization.

Organizations can neverachievesustainability withoutensuring sustainability of the manpower.Things todohealth insurance, wages, promotions and many others are a part of human sustainability. Social contracts are anadvantageto organizations.Through social contract, organized societiesare broughtinto being through gaining mutualprotectionand their undertakings andtoregulatethe relationships between the members having a sustainableorganizationis acrucialboostto realizing business opportunities and ensuringprotectionof thecompanyfromoutsidethreats and impacts. Those organizations thatunderstandthat implementation of sustainable businesses can lead to new opportunities and improved performance.

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Those companies that do notprovidehealth insuranceterminate workers, pay wages that arescarceandhaveworking conditions that overwhelm workers cannot achieve sustainability. Its sustainabilitywill be affectedby theadditionalcosts that arise from physical andpsychologicalillnesses through of emergency health facilities. In conclusion, it is good to understand the importance of sustainability and to enhance it in the companies to ensure efficiency and productivity.

Sustainability comprises efforts to conserve natural resources and to avoid waste in all organizational operations. Conservation reduces the work of economic activity in environment and organizations (Strachan, Jane, & Maezama, 2011). Human sustainability is seen in a community or s group with strong sense togetherness, shares values and ethics, and a common vision for days to come. Human sustainability includes capacity building, networking, cultural sustainability, sustaining boards and staffs as well as volunteers. To achieve all this, it has intellectual leader’s transparent governance, proper planning and availability of funds, skills and other important resources (Dunphy, Griffiths, & Benn, 2011).

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Organizations have always used humans in their operations. Today it is known as the human resources in the contemporary capitalism. Humans are the resources through which all organizations achieve their sustainability. This explicitly defines why, without human sustainability, there cannot be organizational sustainability. Psychological and physical wellbeing of workers and their employment capacity should always be a matter of concern for sustainability reasons (Benn, Dunphy, & Griffiths, 2006).

Human sustainability plays an important role in changing the sustainability of the organization. The changes are subjective to workers in the organization. Role clarity defines what a person ought to do to bring change in his work. One should look for an effective role to ply in ensuring this change. Self esteem entails believing in what one is capable of doing. Being an agent of change needs emotional resilience and persistence in the face of challenges and controversy (Benn, Dunphy, & Griffiths, 2006). In addition, bringing change in organizational stability needs self leadership discovering oneself and one’s personality. Our integrity will play a big role in bringing change that we advocate (Dunphy, Griffiths, & Benn, 2003).

Organizations with human sustainability can achieve sustainable practices. Those companies that do not provide health insurance, terminate workers, pay wages that are inadequate and have working conditions that overwhelm workers cannot achieve sustainability (Pfeffer, 2011). Its sustainability will be affected by the extra costs that arise from physical and psychological illnesses through of emergency health facilities. Companies with good human sustainability enjoy benefits in maintaining their employees and motivating them to work. It also creates a good reputation that ensures that there is consumer demand (Pfeffer, 2011).

A social contract is an agreement between and for individuals, community, state and other groups. Through social contract, organized societies are brought into being through gaining mutual protection and their undertakings and to also regulate the relationships between the members (Carrin, 2011). Those organizations that realize that implementation of sustainable businesses can lead to new opportunities and improved performance. They also save a lot of money by avoiding environmental damages, and minimize costs of complying with future legislation.

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Through maintaining human and environmental sustainability, the companies achieve new business processes with minimized impacts from their externals. There is also improved financial performance and an improved reputation among other stakeholders and business communities. Organization sustainability is achieved through interdependence where they are characterized by self renewal and regeneration. It therefore becomes a holistic, diverse, and self renewing. It becomes naturally productive, resistant to diversity and fast growing (Clarke, 2001).


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