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The term quality management could refer to the company’s ability to manufacture products of high standards in a sustained manner. It also implies that the company has to consider the significant issues taken to be central in enhancing the quality performance, and the manner in which the manufacturing equipment and facilities in the organization are managed (Evans and Lindsay, 3). In this regard, the company has to apply a proactive and multi-faceted approach that would make sure that the highest quality level that the company is able to achieve, meets the world class standards. In addition, the quality management techniques and methods could be carried out and transferred successfully to different parts of the world.
Furthermore, it should fit in the various socioeconomic environments around the globe. Significantly, the adjustments that could be made on the technique or methods of quality management are needed to justify the ownership differences and the means of operations, which the particular company applies (Evans and Lindsay, 3). For this paper, it outlines own perception and assessment of quality management of Ford Motors in the United States.
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In making sure that the company achieves the total quality management, it has to consider the components, including quality planning, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality control during the process of manufacturing (Evans and Lindsay, 47). This is very crucial in making the products be consistent with the global standards. In essence, the main focus of the quality management is on the company’s products or services and the means, which the organization would use to accomplish the mission (Evans and Lindsay 52). Therefore, it involves the four aspects in achieving consistency in the production of high quality goods.
Notably, high quality of the products drives the customers, since the latter is aware that such items are able to meet their demands (Evans and Lindsay 89). This is one of the reasons for the struggles to maintain quality in the company. As the company plans, controls and improves the quality standards, the consumers have to be assured of the highest quality products, which would satisfy their desires (Hoyle 28). This came as a result of the advanced civilization, which was responsible for the urge to improve the product’s qualities.
Furthermore, when the consumers were allowed to select the items, which they considered to best suit their demands in terms of quality standards, it increased competition among the manufacturers who wanted to remain with a sizeable market share (Evans and Lindsay, 189). As a result of competition, the company had no choice, but to improve the quality of its products. For example, the company had to enhance its production system to make sure that they meet the quality target. This included planning, controlling and improving the production system, as they assure the consumers of high quality (Hoyle 59). Therefore, it is clear that quality management in the company was pegged around the issues.
Quality management also has to do with the increasing industrial efficiency in the process of manufacturing. With an efficient system, it would be easier to monitor the qualities and come up with workable policies to ensure that the management becomes easier. In the organization, efficiency movement was the main approach that the administration enforced to achieve the quality management (Evans and Lindsay, 305). In this regard, the company made sure that the production system and the products are standardized. As well, the company adopted the certain practices, which improved the value of its products as this would help in quality management (Hoyle, 77). For example, the management of the company brought into the reality, and in its operation lined the practices that enhanced the quality of its motor cars. In fact, the standardization mechanisms that the company carried out were considered as a strong foundation with an intention of achieving the quality management (Evans and Lindsay 363).
As one of the companies in the North America, Ford Motors mainly targeted the majority and had to reduce the cost of production, while at the same time, increased the production efficiency. Consequently, increase in efficiency eased the process of quality management in the company. This made the organization produce high quality motor cars, thus, justified the approaches that the company used in achieving the quality management (Hoyle 104). Indeed, the company had realized that it is only through maintaining high quality that the products would appeal to the end users. In addition, quality management could only be realized from improved efficiency of the production process and system.
In reality, quality management cannot be realized easily without putting in place the quality leadership (Evans and Lindsay 421). Here, the company’s management had full knowledge that it is mainly through the dedication and leadership quality that the organization could implement the intended quality planning, quality assurance, quality improvement and quality control during the process of manufacturing. Therefore, the organization had to put in place the kind of leadership that would be responsible for carrying out the organizational policies during production. In this regard, the company had to employ the leaders who possessed certain characters, including integrity, exceptional skills and high levels of experience in conducting their work (Evans and Lindsay 435).
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Essentially, the company considered quality improvement and management as an internal the value, meaning that it were such leaders who could make sure that the organization established a strong quality and productivity framework (Evans and Lindsay, 442). Moreover, the experienced leaders could make the production system and environment be very competitive, so that the quality products meet the world’s market demands.
The excellent initiatives in the company led to the comprehensive quality management strategies, which acted as a shield in the organization. In addition, quality management became the part of the organizational culture that resulted to satisfaction ratings among its customers, meaning that the company’s products ended appealing to the consumers (Hoyle, 122).
The excellent results that the company realized from its quality management practices made such initiatives be recognized worldwide. This means that many other companies started copying the initiatives, with an aim of improving the product’s quality, as the consumers were increasingly becoming aware of its contribution to the products and other services. Apparently, this became an important aspect of quality management in the organization, because the management had recognized that the product’s quality differentiates the nature of customer’s preference (Evans and Lindsay, 501).
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The company followed a systematic methodology of ensuring quality control, which is central to the success in attaining the quality management. Initially, the company controlled the quality of its production using statistical figures obtained from the marketing research (Evans and Lindsay, 584). Notably, statistical control techniques have proved to be very useful in providing an avenue for improving the general outcome in the company (Evans and Lindsay, 591). Ideally, such controls have been very instrumental in manufacturing products, which are considered to be strategically important, especially the motor cars (Evans and Lindsay 659). Therefore, the company has not relented on its effort to ensure the quality management of the production system.
Notably, competitors in business environment get an edge, depending on the quality of their products. This means that the extent to which the company plans and adopts the quality management determines the level of excellence and preference of the products (Hoyle 178).
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In summary, quality management is significant in ensuring the success of the company. This indicates that the company has taken the keen interest in the components, such as the quality planning, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality control during the process of manufacturing. In addition, the management charged with implementing the quality strategies should possess some recommended degree of the relevant experience and skills in conducting the work.
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