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Leadership for Development


Leadership development is an activity that enhances leadership quality within an organization. It focuses on developing leadership activities and individual attitudes. Not all people are born with the abilities to lead, but some of them require formalized programs for better leadership development. Everyone can develop effective leadership skills through proper training. Thus, achieving leadership development requires practice and training programs for effective leadership development. The success of leadership development depends on the learner’s characteristics, behavior support for change, and nature of leadership development. Leadership development takes a gradual pace. Development may occur through integrating a range of developmental experiences for a certain period. Development is termed as a long-term process of transformation of a short- to medium term targets.

Development is a structural process that creates change in the society. According to Adair (2005), development is defined as the historical process of change. Nowadays, the development focuses on structural societal change, and it is through good leadership that development can be achieved. Understanding the nature of good leadership is easier than practicing it. Good leaders will help others to perform better or develop. In a modern society, good leaders enable or help the organization perform well and work towards attaining development. The role of leadership is to serve, thus good leaders must serve and direct the followers towards achieving development. People with desirable characters such as determination, integrity, sensitivity, and commitment attract the followers. This is because the followers are naturally drawn to the individuals who exhibit strength and inspire belief in others.

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Development is taken as a short-term to medium-term outcome of the desirable targets. Development relates to a wider range of socio-economic changes. The process relates to a particular set of goals that may lead to development. This development approach is characterized as the measure for progressive change. It is one of the performance assessments for development. Indeed, some researchers argue that development in a short and medium term is too technocratic. This is because development occurs as a result of the short-term or medium-term performance indicators. The goals and outcomes of development can be measured and compared with the targets. For instance, changes in income or poverty levels can be measured through performance indicators. Thus, a performance indicator is one of the instrumental elements used by the practitioners in measuring developmental activities (Yost and Plunket, 2009).

Moreover, the development in a short and medium term for achieving desirable targets is the perspective that focuses on the outcome of developmental change. According to Weiss and Molinaro (2005), development can be achieved through good leadership. There is a paternalistic assumption that through good leadership, development can be achieved successfully. In other words, an issue over this perspective of development approach is that the objectives articulated in the sense of democratic or effective participation of civil society. Additionally, the short-term instrument views development as a societal transformation. Thus, the development conception is separated from the socio-economic structures, social and political relations.

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The last conceptualization of development views development as a dominant dialogue of Western modernity. Development is based on the visions of change and outcomes of particular objectives. This is through focusing on the notion of Western ethnocentrism. This is the post-modern conceptualization of development (Weiss and Molinaro, 2005). The perspective emerged in the developed world during the World War II. The post-modern approach is the development approach that focuses on poverty and other social constructs that do not exist in the outside discourse of developmental approach. This approach examines the way leaders use their leadership skills in the modern society in order to create a developmental change. Adair (2005) argues that good leaders should use their leadership skills in creating developmental change. Thus, through effective strategies of leadership, developmental goals can be attained.

Additionally, development has been a production and management mechanism in the modern world. Thus, the development strategies are formulated that guide the leaders towards attaining development (Rondinelli and Aeffron, 2009). The notion of development in the modern society ruins the intellectual landscape. It obscures the vision because of delusions, crimes, increased corruption, and embezzlements of funds that are directed towards development. Therefore, development, especially in the developing nations, has become difficult to achieve because of these problems. In order to achieve development, leaders should work hard towards obtaining the developmental goals. Leadership development is a process, thus they are required to have desirable features and work together as a team in promoting development. Hence, development can be achieved through succession planning by the current leadership. Succession planning is a kind of leadership development that requires widespread transfer of and experience of building a good leadership. This is vital because it contributes towards the development in the society.

In conclusion, leadership for development is an activity that enhances leadership quality within an organization. Leaders should have desirable qualities that will enable them to attain developmental goals. Thus, development is a long-term procedure of change or a short- to medium-term of desirable targets. The development as a short term for achieving desirable targets is the perspective that focuses the outcome of the developmental change. The process relates to a particular set of goals that may lead to development. Additionally, development is a dominant dialogue of Western modernity. Thus, it has been a production and management mechanism in the modern world.


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