Organizational behavior is a branch of management that focuses primarily on the behaviors of people in the workplace. It analyses how different people will tend to behave, according to the different circumstances in the workplace. It tends to analyze the behavior of each individual and their activities in the context of an organization. Organizational behavior uses several principles and procedures from different fields in order to come up with conclusions about behavior of individuals in the workplace (Robbins 2009, p. 12). It uses knowledge from sociology, human psychology and human resource management to study the behavior of people. All these factors tend to change from time to time, hence a thorough understanding of one of the factors needs to be done in order to come up with concrete evidence on the behavior of people in the organization.
In modern management practices a lot of managers and leaders have been working hard to get the best knowledge of their employees. Managers have been seeking an understanding from books that give adequate information about the organizational behavior. The managers tend to quick fix things in the work place by seeking and implementing the knowledge from the books.
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However, this is not a good or a desirable practice in the management process. There are several reasons as to why this practice should be discouraged in the organizations. I tend to disagree with managers who continue practicing this idea.
First of all, quick fixes cannot be relevant in an organization due to change in time. Books found in stores are written by writers who base their past and present in writing of those books (Robbins & Judge 2011, p. 23). The information in those books, therefore, cannot be that relevant to the present, since writers cannot predict the future with accuracy. An attempt to predict the future can turn out to be faulty, since it is hard to predict the future in the today’s world. Some of the well documented literature about organizational behavior, management or leadership cannot be used today because of changes in several activities. These include changes in technology, labor laws, climatic conditions, human resource skills, economical, and sociological changes (religion beliefs or cultural beliefs). In order to come up with a detailed argument, we shall take a look at how each of the factors has affected organizational behavior.
Over the last century, there has been significant growth in technology in every sector of the economy. This has also been felt even in the organizations. The organization has not been left out in coping with the changes in technology. Every organization has been on high alert to bring changes that have occurred in the technological world to their organization. A lot of changes have occurred in production of goods, that is, the methods or procedures have been changing, machines have been invented, and different techniques have been developed, which were not there in the past.
These changes in technology have both a direct and indirect effect on individuals’ will and behavior in the work place. For example, at the time when computers were not much used, there would be a lot of forgery cases by employees in the banking industry. Managers had to come up with different styles to coupe up with these problems. However, with the introduction of computers in the banking industry, forgery cases have reduced. During that period, a lot of books might have been written on how to manage or lead employees in the banking sector. Those books might be relevant at that time, but not today. Those books cannot be used today to fix a problem, since they might be outdated. Quick fix, therefore, cannot work in this situation, since it needs a problematic analysis in the context of the current technology.
A change in laws regulations is another factor which makes quick fix an unrealistic approach in organizational behavior management. In recent years, a lot of emphasize has been put on organization, and laws have come up to regulate them. The governments and labor unions all over the world have come up with laws and regulations about the conduct of employers to their employees. The laws have been meant to help both the employees and employers.
These laws, therefore, have also come with changes in organizational behavior. Laws have influenced how employee acts in the organization, for example their right to demonstrations. These might not be the case in the earlier years. Many books based on certain laws are written, which, however, may not present the right idea on current issues or matters. Quick fix from these books will provide inadequate and ill-informed solutions to problems in the organization. A good manager or leader should be there at any particular time to analyze the laws and regulations of the organization and to come up with accurate solutions (Schermerhorn 2011, p. 32).
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The economies of many countries in the world have by one way or another changed either positively or negatively. These economical changes have also come along with change in organizational behavior. Many employees and employers are acting differently than in the past due to the change in the economy. Employees are adjusting their behaviors both at the work place and at their homes to current economical positions of their countries. In order to come up with good solutions to problems, the managers and leaders must be aware about the economical situation of their states and the impact of the economical positions on work output. The managers must also try to develop theories about the outcome of the economical situation and its impact on behavioral change in the society as a whole. This will help managers to come up with accurate information about the economical impact on the organization. A quick fix in dealing with such a situation will yield no fruit and even might be disastrous. A problematic analysis is relevant and will give more than enough ideas to deal with any situation (Ott, Parkes & Simpson 2003, p. 23).
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Sociological changes in the society have both a negative and a positive impact on the organizational behavior. Any small change will have a direct impact on the organization and, therefore, managers should be on the lookout for any change. The sociological changes include change in traditional beliefs and/or cultural beliefs by many employees.
There might be several leadership books in stores about leadership and management practices, but only a few or none at all will have a comprehensive review of the current cultural practices being carried out by people and their significance in the organization. A problem arising from cultural practice or religion cannot be fully and adequately solved if the current beliefs are not analyzed. A thorough survey of modern religious practices of the society should be carried out by the managers to come up with the perfect solution to a problem. Relying on quick fix from books about management and/or organizational behavior cannot be the perfect thing to do. Quick fix might lead to harsh or under estimation of the problem and, hence, lead to the wrong solution.
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Modern day management has also been faced with emerging challenges which require problematic review rather than a quick fix in dealing with them. These problems include environmental management, fashion freedom for workers and many more others. These problems are felt in organizations every single day and a quick fix cannot present a favorable option in solving the problems. In dealing with these solutions, one has to emphasize the degree of intensity of the problem and its outcome for the organization. One must be careful not to solve a problem by creating another one. A quick fix normally creates this scenario.
In conclusion, it has come out clearly that a quick fix is no longer favorable method of problem solving or leadership approach in organizations. Leaders and managers should dedicate time and resources to ensuring that they have come up with the best principles and procedures in the work place (Knights & Willmott 2007, p. 52). They must come up with solutions that serve best the purpose and time, rather than basing their energy and answers on books about leadership and management. Although the books have good principles on leadership and management, they are not always relevant to certain problems or situations.
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Situational approach and problematic analysis should be given priority in leadership and management approach. One has to consider the situation and try to give an accurate judgment of the problem. Leaders and managers should never base their arguments and judgments on library books of management. This, therefore, means that quick fix is not an option in organizational behavior study and management.
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