Table of Contents
IMT was developed on the basis of an interaction ritual that one possesses including cultural relation identities. If Cindy can present her face to the pretrial diversion worker, then her individual facets of identity will show. It will help reveal her communication competence and it will be important if she will be able to manage any resulting tensions. This will involve such phases as the act of looking for related aspects in definite identities, mixing her identities to achieve a relational identity and then negotiating again typical cultural identities (Cupach, and Tadasu, 1993).
Acculturation Theory
The theory attempts to explain the process of psychological and cultural changes that may result when meeting between cultures. Acculturation effects are felt when different interacting cultures meet. Adopted cultural norms may be used to predict Cindy’s health outcomes; as having impacted on stressing her and her ability to access health resources. The theory postulates that social and psychological difficulties that may come with acculturation (Padilla and Perez, 2003).
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Identity Negotiation Theory
This theory refers the process through which people will reach agreements in their relationships on their identity. The theory thus will establish what one does for the other. This thus provides the ‘joint’ that will hold the relationship together. Cindy thus needs someone who will “push” her to agree to taking Benjamin to school and leave abusing drugs. This is because people are inclined to develop expectancies that may be similar with same views of the target people (Burgoon, 1978).
How the scenario is different from a traditional mental health setting
Cindy is released to the pretrial diversion program due to her criminal charges. The goal of the program is to provide Cindy with an opportunity to plead guilty to the charges and avoid a criminal prosecution but to be able to fulfill the program’s conditions (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
Ethical Obligations
Ethical obligations could primarily be in two ways. The first one would mean that as a pretrial worker, one has the obligation to Cindy Hart. The first will entail having a commitment to assist Cindy to be successful in the program. The second will involve having an ethical obligation to the profession. As a pretrial worker and one with a degree for the profession, then it is important to understand that it has its own set of ethical rules and duties and, thus, as a person, one will have ethical considerations to the obligation. Case managers need to understand that honesty, integrity, dignity and respect are some of the characteristics that are needed to be employed in the case of Cindy Hart (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
How the Pretrial Diversion Worker Can Serve As the Case Manager
The pretrial diversion worker will need to serve as a case manager for Cindy when she is in need. It is important, however, that Cindy utilizes her opportunity to complete the programs successfully and avoid criminal suits. Cindy has violated a state law that requires children aged above the age of 5 years attend school. Thus, she has a good opportunity for her get into the program. As a case manager for this scenario, a pretrial diversion officer will then need to develop a plan for Cindy and provide a referral and an assessment. The case manager will need to report to court after Cindy completes the plan. If Cindy does not embrace this opportunity, it means that she will be sent to court and be prosecuted because of her violations (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
The pretrial diversion worker would require obtaining information that relates to childhood, mental health, general health, mental illness, daily living, educational status, family status, substance abuse, domestic violence & anger management, social supports, criminal history, medication status, socioeconomic status, occupational situation, and criminal history among other aspects. This can be achieved in several ways by meeting Cindy. Some of the ways this can be achieved is by making a phone call to Cindy, through email, use of questionnaire or a combination of any of the above methods. It is, however, important to realize that face-to-face contacts always results in acquiring more information than any of the methods listed above. As the pretrial diversion worker in this case, it is important that there is a meeting (or at least a talk) with Cindy’s psychiatrist, substance abuse counselor, social worker, and other people who deal with her case. This will help in getting the right and accurate information about her, because she is said to be mentally unstable or sometimes uses drugs. It is also important to talk to the professionals that deal with Cindy’s children because the issue that resulted to Cindy to pretrial diversion was the fact that her son, Benjamin, does not attend school. It is, therefore, important to receive information from the school personnel or relevant people who attend Benjamin (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
There is also the issue of Cindy lacking social support. We are told in the scenario that Cindy’s had an abusive father and that she is alienated from her mother. Further, neither the men (who are her children's father) are involved in their kids’ lives. This clearly leaves Cindy isolated and with a many issues to deal with. After all information has been obtained, then now it is important to have a one-on-one meeting with Cindy to ensure that she is part of the process. It is important that Cindy’s goals are in tune with the worker’s goals (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
Service Plan
As the case manager, it is important to have a service plan. The service plan will contain important information like goals, outcomes, activities and time frame. This is especially important to ensure that all those who are affected are aware of the expected outcome and their timeframe for completing the exercise. Some of the service plan goals will include sending Benjamin to school and the Cindy making certain actions in order to ensure that Benjamin goes to school and within what time that is possible. Other important service plans will be to organize Cindy to meet with her psychiatrist, her social worker and her counselor through the children’s appointment. For Cindy’s lack of social support, there are many organizations that offer the same for mentally-ill people or almost mentally-ill people and they should be considered as well. Cindy’s friends (or one who is well known to her) may be used to provide additional support that will help Cindy to work towards her goals during the pretrial diversion program (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
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Advocate for Cindy
Cindy requires to be encouraged, supported and counseled. It will help if it is done while holding her hand as this is common is such situations. As a pretrial diversion worker, it is important to advocate in ways that will mirror the progress of Cindy. This can be achieved by making phone calls, escorting Cindy or driving her to the specific places. It is, however, important to ensure that Cindy is encouraged and motivated while undertaking all of the above. If the client is seen sometimes as not following through, it will be prudent to find out why it is happening as such. It is vital that Cindy’s performance is enhanced and that she is also empowered in order to advocate for Cindy (Phase 4 IP 2 course material, 2011).
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