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Best Practice of Human Resource Management

Best practice in human resource management is critical to improving performance within the organizations. Therefore, best practice in human resource management should take into consideration the employee’s abilities while enhancing them through optimal recruitment and training initiatives. Best practice is premised on high performance systems which integrate managerial involvement in the work environment. A work environment characterized by significant incentives influenced by desired behavior as an aspect of motivation is critical to best practice in human resource management.  These encourage innovative ideas and participation through contribution from a trained and motivated workforce.

The creation and development of flexible work teams where duties and responsibilities are clearly defined is crucial. Coordinated efforts through effective communication channels where information flow between the management and the workers is optimized; therefore, creating defined unity of purpose between the management and the workforce. However, the success of the organization is premised on the objectivity of the recruitment and selection processes. The adequacy and significance of organizational functions is illustrated through the effectiveness and efficiency of the selection and recruitment process of best practice human resource management. The selection and recruitment processes ability to identify desirable traits, behavior and qualification of candidates is critical to best practice of human resource management. However, while determining appropriate approach for selection and recruitment process in order to achieve best practice of the human resource function, it is essential that the process be adequately defined and elaborated.

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Vacancy and Job Description

The recruitment process should identify the need for the new role and its impact to the organization. Therefore, the tasks associated with the new role and the individual attributes thereto should be analyzed to ascertain their conformity with organizational needs. This is critical to ensure redundant positions are not created which negate organizational objectivity. The need for the job should be adequately consulted within the organizational management to determine its necessity; hence a determination of the job’s prerequisites. These include determining individual specifications and formation of a job description.

An elaborate outline of the identified role to be performed is essential. This should indicate in absolute terms the expectations of the role while describing the expected responsibilities and duties. It should describe the authoritative structure to illustrate the hierarchical chain of command in the work place. Job descriptions provide appropriate information concerning the role; therefore, it should avoid ambiguous information and jargon in the description (Armstrong, 2006). The job description provides the extent of the job’s responsibilities, expectations and requirements. These aim at preventing understating or overstating the role’s responsibility; hence an individual will make an informed decision when deciding whether to apply for the role.

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Individual qualifications, skills and experience, should be considered to ensure that recruited candidates can execute the role in a competent and successful manner. Therefore, objective and fair person specifications which can be, tested or measured in the recruitment processes ascertains a minimization of risk towards subjective conclusions in decision making processes (Brewster, 2004). Hence, the selection criteria should be necessary and relevant for the execution of the job; hence it should be measurable and essential. The selection process describes the expected qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience required for competent execution of the role. These should be relevant to the job, while taking into consideration personal attributes and qualities. These will determine whether the individual has the essential traits or behavioral characteristics required for executing the job.

Job Advertisement

Having determined the optimal person and job specifications, the job should be advertised to attract potential candidates for the job. Therefore, effective methods of advertisement should be determined.  The recruitment personnel may opt to use the various advertising methods available to them. These include online advertising, print and electronic media, and recruitment agencies. However, while making the advertising choice, the purpose of advertising should be considered. Advertising aims at generating interest from candidates. This is achieved by attracting adequate number of individuals possessing the essential qualifications, skills and experience to execute the job effectively (CIPD, 2005). Therefore, an advertisement should be tailored to attract the appropriate number and dissuade unqualified individuals from applying. These ensure time is not wasted through sorting the qualified and unqualified applicants.

An advertisement targets defined individual specifications in compliance with the job dynamics. These should include creating a positive image of the organization, an understandable job title while elaborating the nature of the job tenure. An advertisement describes accurately the job definition and level in the organizational, hierarchical structure. Therefore, an outline of individual characteristics, number of applicants and closing date, expected interview date and time should be indicated (Kearns, 2005). On the other hand, recruitment agencies can be used; however, to mitigate cost effect of agency fees, an agreement should be made to pay the agency in an equitable proportion to the expected cost of direct advertisement. However, the recruitment agency must clearly communicate the job title and the location of the organization where the vacancy is available. These ensure that applicants are not misled. The agency should indicate the expected remuneration package and salary range of the job. The stipulated terms and conditions including the responsibilities and duties of the job; are clearly communicated to enable the applicant make an informed decision on whether they are best suited for the job or otherwise.

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Short Listing

Sorting of the applications received is done when the application time frame is closed. This ensures only the candidate meeting the stipulated job and personal specifications are recruited. Hence, the determination of the appropriate number of applicants to be invited for interviews. The short listing process is done by comparison of the essential information on the basis of the criteria defined in the individual requirements and specifications. This aims at determining whether, the applicant has on paper, the skills and experience that are critical for executing the job effectively (CIPD, 2005). On closing of the application period, the recruitment team sends the application forms to the short listing panel. However, the short listing panel should keep appropriate records indicating why each candidate was selected or rejected. This function should, therefore, be carried out by the same personnel who will conduct the job interview; therefore, the short listing incorporates documentation of which applicants have not been accepted and those who were successful including the details why the respective action was taken.

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In the event, that an exceeding number of applications are made, it is crucial to assess applicants based on desirable and essential criteria as indicated in the person specifications of the job. Therefore, a consensus should be arrived at detailing the qualities or elements which will acts as a uniform benchmark for assessing all applications received (Harris and Sparrow, 2003). However, despite a primary shortlist being made, it is necessary to make a reserve or back up shortlist which can be used in the event, an interviewee fails to appear or is not appointed. The short listing process should be done after the application closing date to provide for sufficient notice being given to candidates who have been invited for interviews; hence preventing delays in the selection process which might lead to strong and best candidates securing employment in other organizations. Therefore, appropriate notice should be given to applicants that if they have not received communication form the organization within a specified time frame; they should consider themselves as unsuccessful in their applications.

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Selection Methods

The selection process establishes which among the shortlisted candidates is suitable and qualified for appointment. Therefore, since interviewing is the common method of assessing and examining prospective workers, the organization should create an interview panel for this purpose. However, recruitment decision making is not limited to panel interviews; other methods like aptitude tests, presentations and demonstrations, psychometric tests and work based exercises, are used to aid in the decision making process (CIPD, 2005). An interview schedule is critical to the selection process. Hence, the recruitment team invites candidates for the interview, takes references and prepares interview materials, which include academic details, copies of references, application forms and interview notes designed for each interviewee.

The interview serves as a basis for information gathering while identifying the candidate’s suitability in meeting the job specifications and requirements. These enable an informed assessment of experience, skills and history of the applicant (Kearns, 2005). Thus, providing a basis in which decision is made on the most suitable candidate for the job. The interviewees are informed about the vacancy and the organization while ensuring that they are reassured of a fair hearing hence leaving them with a positive outlook towards the organization.

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Tests used in the selection process are fundamental to the job specifications; therefore, thoughtful consideration is givens towards the defined criteria in which personal specifications are evaluated and assessed. Hence, applicants are notified regarding the tests to be taken in advance. While interviews and tests are critical in assessing the candidate’s qualifications, verification of referable details is crucial (IRS, 2004). Therefore, references are used to refute or confirm information provided by the candidate while being interviewed. Once the interviews and tests are finalized, the interview panel evaluates the information collected on every candidate; while comparing the information to the person requirements and specifications stipulated at the beginning of the recruitment process. It is crucial to ensure that every decision undertaken in the selection process has objective justification through evidentiary support without any element of discrimination.


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