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Data Storage and Retrieval System for Healthy Spa


In today’s age of information and communication technologies, the information systems for streamlining the various business processes in organizations have become the vital ingredient (Stair & Reynolds, 2013). Recently, the health and fitness facilities such as Spa have become a common part of lifestyle. Due to the increasing competition in the health and fitness market, Spa centers today have been focusing on using technological systems to draw business profits and to maintain sustainability. This paper describes the importance of the information storage and retrieval systems for a leading spa facility “Healthy Spa”.

Brief Introduction: Healthy Spa

Healthy Spa has been operating as one of the leading facilities for providing the body relaxation and cosmetology services to the clients in a number of the US states. Mainly, the spa treatments offered at the center include Massage (Thai, Swedish, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic, Rolfing, reflexology, etc.), facials (facial cleansing, consultation services, facial mask, facial massage, exfoliation, etc.), body treatment (salt glows, body wraps), manicure and pedicure, Sauna, steam bath, hot tub, etc.

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The major business objectives of the selected company are as follows:

  1. To draw business profits through offering competitive body relaxation and cosmetic treatment.
  2. To provide customized packages to the customers.
  3. To market the services in strategic manner.
  4. To keep the customers satisfied in order to make them returning and loyal customers.
  5. To keep track of the market trends and customer preferences in order to be a successful facility.

Need of Data Storage and Retrieval System at Healthy Spa

Due to the increasing number of customers at the Healthy Spa, firstly, it has become a challenge to keep track of all the records of the customers, and secondly, it is not convenient to verbally communicate all the available treatment packages and their details to the customers once they arrive at the reception. The situation becomes particularly important when all the other salon and spa centers have been offering the advanced data storage and retrieval mechanisms reducing the inconvenience to carry any piece of information among customers.

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Clearly, the efforts and maintenance cost of manual systems has no longer been bearable by the facility; this is the major reason, due to which the manual data processing mechanisms have been becoming obsolete day by day (Pfeiffe, 2012). Therefore, the efficient electronic information storage and retrieval systems would not only increase the productivity and efficiency of the workforce at the center but would also result in customer satisfaction as they would have quick information without the need to wait in the long queues.

Need of Online Data Access for the Customers of Healthy Spa

The online data access will be crucial for the needs of the Spa. The online availability of data will ensure that the customers can find the available treatments, the packages and all the relevant details. This would significantly help them to select their treatment and make their appointment easily right from their homes. The Spa would be able to draw higher profits as the customers at present often return dissatisfied due to “no bookings” issues. The competitive position of the Spa will also be improved as different promotional offers and discount campaigns can be run over the websites. In addition, the customer preferences and their feedback about their satisfaction level with the service can also be collected easily by conducting quick online surveys/polls.

Challenges Faced by Healthy Spa

Some of the challenges faced by the Spa facility due to lack of online storage and retrieval systems are as follows:

  1. Lack of availability of information to the customers about the treatment, packages and appointments.
  2. The facility’s inability to store and maintain the customer records appropriately.
  3. Poor competitive position of the Spa facility as the customers often prefer to use those facilities, which provide the online data access and appointment facility.
  4. Lack of customization of treatment or packages according to the customers’ preferences as they cannot communicate easily.
  5. Difficulties in storing and maintaining the records of past customers.

Quality Implementation Plan

For every information system, the quality implementation plan serves as the backbone, without which it is never possible to develop an efficient information system (Rainer et al., 2013). Some of the major points, which would be made a part of the data storage and retrieval system of Healthy Spa are as follows:

  1. Before developing the information system, the customers (end users) will be surveyed in order to learn what features do they want to find in the website or online booking system of the facility.
  2. The employees shall also be surveyed, particularly the reception staff: this would provide the development team with an insight on the major needs of the business.
  3. The security of the data storage and retrieval systems will be maintained at the maximum possible level. This is important because failure to develop and implement a secure system might lead to the security breaching attempts by the competitors, which could result in loss of customers.
  4. The users will be provided with extensive trainings, so they can handle or recognize the system errors. They shall be explained the benefits of the system in order to avoid the possible user resistance.
  5. The system will be tested periodically so that the bugs can be timely fixed.

Use of Storage Technologies

At the initial phase, the SQL server shall be used for the data storage and retrieval purposes. This is accounted for the low requirements of the resources for developing the system on SQL server as compared to any other database. In addition, the SQL platform is extremely powerful and fast, which would offer significant assistance to the basic users of the database (Todd, 2010).

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Method for Electronic Information Preservation

Electronic data can be preserved in a variety of places such as flash drives, desktops, and laptops; however, saving all the data on the computer system itself is risky due to the chances of corruption and loss. Therefore, the data would be preserved on a UCL networked drive, which will ensure regular backup, reduce risks of security breaches and loss as well as enable all the colleagues working upon the similar projects so as to access data (Pfeiffe, 2012). In addition, some cloud service providers would also be accessed and the packages offered by them will be considered. 

Both the website and data can be searched with the help of a wide range of the keywords. The necessary attempts will be made to make the website of Healthy Spa appear as one of the top search results in all the commonly used search engines such as Google and Bing. Once reached on the website, the customers shall be able to retrieve information based on more customized parameters such as available slots for appointments, available packages, etc.

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Web Crawling

The web crawling will be needed for the Healthy Spa in order to gather data, which will then be processed to make business decisions. Web crawling technology has been made popular by Google for its use within their research (Glass, 2012). The company capitalized on data crawling for the purpose of sending thousands of crawlers to the indexed web to collect all the possible and relevant information. The Healthy Spa will use the web crawling technology for congregating data for business intelligence, conducting market research regarding the competitors’ services and products,  and finally, collecting customer preferences and feedback data. All this information will further be used to improve the strategies and practices of the spa facility.

Usage of Content Mining Technique

The content mining technique shall be applied on the data storage and retrieval system of the organization. The term content mining refers to the large-scale extraction of information from the target content (Lin, 2012). The mining will be applied in the system in order to collect and analyze the patterns of clients’ behavior and preferences. Significant business improvement insight can be developed through this process. For example, the managers of the organization will learn about the preferred packages of the customers over the period of several months, which could help to estimate the impact of customers’ income and the packages selected, among others.

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Developing and implementing efficient data storage and retrieval systems requires detailed analysis of the challenges and needs of the organization. This paper presented a brief overview of the organizational goals, analyzed the need for the electronic data storage and retrieval systems, and estimated the challenges presently faced by Healthy Spa. The quality management plan of the data storage system is presented, and the choices for different aspects such as storage technology, electronic preservation method, web crawling and content mining have been described and justified. If developed and implemented efficiency, the data storage and retrieval system will result in business advantages and a better competitive position for Healthy Spa.


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