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Organizational Behavior

The assigned podcasts are rather thought-provoking and interesting. They present and evaluate the important issues, such as the aging of population and its influence on the management, operational processes, and the multicultural issues in business environment.The authors of the popular books have been interviewed in the podcast to provide the sensible advice of how to behave in the changed business environment.

The podcast about cross-culture introduces various concepts that are related to the communication and interaction in the globalized world, where the cultures are mixed on every business level. Firstly, the author dwells on the double perception of the culture. For example, she states that Indians and Americans perceive the French people differently. While the Indians consider the French to be extremely concerned about time, scheduling and format, the Americans often complain that French people are inaccurate, always late and non-reliable. Thus, the same culture is perceived in a radically different way by the representatives of different backgrounds. The cross-culture notion is revolutionary, as the some cultures are perceived through the lens of another culture.

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Secondly, the point that should be stressed in the regard of cross-culture is that the cultures in the same geographic region are indeed similar. Yet the differences are noticeable. The geographic proximity causes cultures to agree in some regard but totally contradict in other things. For example, Chinese and Japanese people both belong to Asian region. Indeed, their cultures have a lot in common. However, the decision-making process is different in the two countries. In China, it is appropriate to make decisions from the top of organizational structure, whereas for the Japanese society, the consensus is the only way for the decision making. Additionally, Japanese people are more concerned about time, they are more attentive to the schedules, dates, etc. On the contrary, the Chinese are more flexible in time perceptions.

Thirdly, it should be noted that people underestimate the differences existing between the similar countries. The bias mainly concerns the Americans who travel to the UK. The nations seem to be almost identical; however, they are not similar in reality. Thus, people are confused by the differences in basic behavioral patterns and their meaning.

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Another podcast is devoted to the issues related to the aging of the population. The speaker states that the aging of the employees has a positive impact on the economy, as the market has the experienced labor force. However, the young and older employees have some things in common. First, they value social connections and relatedness. These issues are appreciated by other employees too, but not prioritized. Additionally, both young and old workers aim at the improved performance and attempt to increase the output.

The older employees are definitely more experienced than the young ones; therefore, they are more productive. Yet there are certain stereotypes regarding the work of the older population. The first bias relates to the financial award for their work. The employers consider that they would have to pay the premium for the experience and expertise of the older workers. However, it is not true. The second bias is, some employers believe that they would have to increase the health insurance spending for the elders. On the contrary, the medical insurance frequently covers all family members; thus, the bias is not true. Due to the previously mentioned prejudice, older people are frequently discriminated on the age basis. Moreover, they often experience challenges in applying the technologies and solving the novel problems. Thus, it is recommended to ask elders for advice and give them constructive criticism when needed in order to keep organizational atmosphere healthy and competitive.


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