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Job Security

As it was the thinking of most workers in the past, if the proverbial horse got too sick, the farmer would easily get another horse and continue with his work. Currently, every American worker is afraid of being that horse. Every employee is afraid that he could simply be replaced by another worker or what is currently known as human capital. However, as time and technology progress, it is not only the worker who is afraid of job loss. As a matter of fact, the employer is also worried. Ideally, if one employee is fired, he will be replaced by another worker, a process known as turnover. According to Mathis & Jackson  (2010), this process is however too costly because the new worker will have to be trained to take up the job: It could be about a new product; new clientele; new work environment; using a new computer system; working with new people; and training the employees how to work with the new member of the group. This paper seeks to demonstrate how to maintain the job security of human resources at the work place in the modern society.


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Since the 1980s, the decline in job security for men has been about 20 percent. However, the number has increased over the past years because of a number of factors including the economic crunch. Job security for women seems to have almost gone up, not because the number of women losing jobs has declined but because women have become more aggressive and more of them are being employed than it was in the past. Accordingly, job satisfaction has also reduced with most workers indicating that they are under more pressure than they used to be in the previous five years. One of the industries that experience high turnover is the call center industry (Baker & Doran, 2007). Unlike other customer care service where the sales representative can physically interact with the customer, call center employees communicate with people they do not see or know about. Generally, to reduce the turnover rates, the employer should look for the best qualified applicant. This would also save money and time in the long run.

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According to Collings & Wood (2009), today’s human resource departments need to understand how to maintain and upgrade their human resources. He asserts that in the past, most businesses did not care much about their employees. The industrial revolution paid more focus on the machines than human labor. People were only but extensions to machines. However, things changed about two decades ago and now human labor is the nexus of value in most companies. The trick to establishing and running a successful business in the modern and future world is to understand how to manage human resources to make them more productive.

There are two ways by which the human assets could be maintained. The first one is by taking a more 1990s approach where by the human resource manager maintains the system regardless of the people involved. Traditionally, this would mean that the company tends to control the tendency of the human resources to grow in order to keep the system at the same level. The second way and the most appropriate one for that matter is for the operations manager to keep his resources comfortable and in good working condition. Collings & Wood (2009) affirm that after an organization has attracted and improved the quality of its employees, it must do everything it can to maintain the workforce.

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The major aspects of maintaining human resources include promotion, de-motion, transfers and separation. The decisions regarding whom to fire or promote can also be very tasking but important for any manager. Financial investment in human resources is a huge sacrifice by the organization. Accordingly, maintenance of human resources includes determining proper benefits and compensation for the employees (Amos, Ristow, Ristow & Pearse, 2009).

Maintinaing job security for the employees begins by acquisition of human resources. This process includes activities related to issues such as employment trends, identifying industry and job trends, determining the required skills for various positions in the organization, and forecasting future skills and employment level requirements. Accomplishing these tasks would require techniques and tools such as interviews, questionnaires, designing careers path charts, statistical analysis, and building skills inventories. There are four specific goals that should be accomplished when maintaining human resources (Amos, Ristow, Ristow, & Pearse, 2009).

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First, the organizations should maintain a stable workforce level during both the downs and ups in output. This also works to reduce unnecessary cost and liabilities and increase the morale of the employees that would otherwise suffer in case the organizations decides to lay –off some members. Secondly, the human resource manager should ensure that he prevents a high turnover rate especially among the younger recruits. The third goal is to reduce any problems related to replacing critical decision makers in case they are absent from work. Lastly, the human resource manager should make it possible for the finance team to efficiently plan for the budgets of every department. Huselid (1995) asserts that the acquisition process also entails activities dealing with the recruitment of employees, such as interview methods and evaluation tests. Ideally, the main idea is to higher candidates with the best qualifications without interfering with the federal regulations.

The other process related to maintaining human resources is development of the employees’ in terms of improving their performance. This entails training activities and conducting employee performance appraisal to enable them to evaluate the appropriateness of their work and behavior before the eyes of the managers and coworkers. Investment in employees gives them a feeling that the company has their interest at heart and therefore encourages them to work harder (Boxall & Purcell, 2003). Based on the feedback, employees can correct their weakness to make them feet best into the organization in order to maintain their job security. The human resource team should therefore establish uniform appraisal standards and review techniques and train the managers on how to administer the appraisals. This should also be linked to the strategies for compensation and incentives as well as work to obey the federal regulations about employment.

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According to Esty, Griffin, Hirsch (1995), the training and development process includes the design, execution, determination and analysis of various educational programs provided to the employees. For instance, the orientation programs are meant to acquaint the new recruits to the organization. The education and training roles may include a variety of tasks depending on the department the employee is recruited in. Training opportunities may include internship, apprenticeship, and mentoring among others. All these initiatives are meant to improve the skills of the employees and transform them to better human resources than they were as beginners.

Another function of HRM in maintaining job security is compensation. It refers to the duties related to providing incentives and paying employees. The HRM professionals are supposed to develop salary and wage systems that accomplish specific objectives of the organization such as employee satisfaction, quality, retention, and motivation. The ultimate goal is to establish salary and wage levels that maximize the investment of the company in relation to its objectives (Ozaki, 1992). The best way to achieve this is through performance based incentives. Specifically, the HRM managers should learn to come up with compensation equity that does not negatively affect the morale of the human resources and provide sufficient financial motivation. Compensation for a long time has been linked to specific job descriptions. Generally, it is assumed that managers with more responsibilities receive more compensation compared to those with fewer responsibilities. Mostly, job evaluation systems are used to rate jobs. It measures variables such as the importance and complexity of the job, the number of surbordinates, and the rank in the organizational hierarchy. Using these systems, lower level employees are paid lesser while the executive members earn more.

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Covey & Narvell (2000) allege that promotions are the best way to appreciate the dedication and good work by employees. The possibility of occupying a senior position at some point encourages employees to work harder. It is therefore extremely important that the HRM manager should award promotions based purely on merit and not favoritism. One of the greatest problems is that some managers promote close friends and bypass those who should have been promoted. Such cases normally demoralize employees making some to seek for transfers to other organizations where they feel their contributions will be appreciated and respected.

Nonetheless, transfers serve various functions. They could be used to give hardworking employees opportunities to increase their experiences (Esty, Griffin, Hirsch, 1995). On the other hand, they could be used to open up opportunities for other employees in the organization. It also motivates some employees to keep interest in the vacant positions. For example, most middle level managers reach a plateau in their carrier simply because of lack enough opportunities for all of them at the top. Such managers can be transferred to other positions to maintain their motivation high.

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Conclusion and Recommendation

In conclusion, it is important to maintain a high degree of discipline in whatever position an individual holds. Regardless of how much qualified an employee might be, he could destroy his career because of lack of discipline (Sharma, 2009). Nonetheless, employees should not only concentrate on profit making but also ensure that their employees are satisfied with their job. However, it is necessary that new systems of job evaluations are used in compensation of human resources so that the quality of work and dedication is also included. The lower employees work so hard but received the least salaries. 



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