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The Current Nature of Terrorism

The 1920s to 1930s were marked by the emergence of the right wing fascist terror, which is classified by murder and violent intimidation of groups of the population that were perceived to be hindrance in the achievement of political power. German ruler Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union clearly depict the use of state sponsored terrorism during peaceful times and the hiring of assassins as a method to dispatch state enemies. Socialism and communism were the ways that dominated the explanation of political and economic injustices by many people, as they saw their economies development in the way of capitalist societies.

The society used terror in defining the solution to their commitment to socialist life without violence though there was a small number of government officials that took violence as a necessity to solve injustices. The acts of terrorism during this period were the cause for socialism coupled with anarchy. These two fascists had their political outlooks shaped by the revolutionary and counter-revolutionary opponents of their rule. They believed that enemies of their states were in the midst, and thus they had to employ fear to secure their political careers without other forms of terror to their rule.

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The rebellion of the Irish during 1919-1921 brought to existence the development of selective terrorism that was sustained over time and the use of operation cells. This mode of terrorism was used to gain power from England by the application of terror to representative of the government. This made the possibility to continue with the occupation unbearable as the selective mode made the representative to vacate the area.. These are the tactics which have been employed by terrorists in the Middle East with the concept of selectivity.

The concept to change the will of the society was adopted during the Irish war by sustaining the terror over a long period. This resulted to the breakdown of the government targets that eventually led to seeking of accommodation. The use of operational cells decentralized the acts of terrorism implementation, as it avoided the discovery and eventual destruction of the terror organization. The cells had to be designated with specific goals, and the members of one cell were not familiar with members from other cells. The destruction of one cell did not hinder the operations of other cells.

Another wave of terrorism appeared after the end of the World War II. This period was characterized by many terrorist groups which resulted in the fight against colonization. The societies employed the terrorism tactics of the nationalist groups to inflict fear on colonists. Terror was not been confined to any groups in the post war period, but the desperate societies brought forth acts of terror. The dominance of colonists led to the fight against them and romanticization of revolutionary violence, which was an expression of influence of fear.The use of violence was to free the natives from the complexity of inferiority and despair. The use of terrorism underscored the effectiveness of employing civilians. The successful use of terror by Algerian FLN was adopted by other nationalists and separatists, who employed terror against the opponent militant. This was the turning point for government tailored death squads as witnesses in Brazil, Guatemala and Spain.

The affluent western nations saw the rise of new revolutionary terror in the late 1960s and 1970s, where the functions of the government rise like the red army functions in Germany and the underground of the U.S. These government functions were used to kidnap and assassinate all the people in the population perceived to be detractors of political repression and economic exploitation. The member of these government functions are the radicalized by the Vietnam War and the brutality of police.

The emergence of terrorism in the entire world happened after the murder of eleven Israel athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. This was an effort to end the Jewish occupation of the Palestinian land as the terrorists wanted to establish a homeland there. The Abu Nidal was the most feared terror group that had about 500 extremist members.The nationalist aspect was the cause of terrorism and violence which was reflected by the after math of World War II where the nations were suppressed by the colonists, and they wanted a voice in the political structure.

The Japanese sect Aum, which was responsible for the nerve gas attack in the subway, and the U.S radical militia movement are the groups which raise the public awareness of domestic terrorism to prosperous nations. There has been an emergence of cyber-terrorism, narcotic –terrorism and eco-terrorism.

The current nature of terrorism has undergone changes fundamental to political tactics success, and the methods and goals have been shifted in potential ways. Terrorism has changed from organizations that are decentralized and loosely together with others acting as lone terrorists. It is more evident that there are the increased numbers of loners who indulge in terrorism acts. Even the number of state sponsored terrorists has declined according to the U.S department for state. It indicated that the number of state sponsored terrorism groups had decreased to 15 in 1998 compared to 189 in 1987. The terrorist groups do not communicate regarding their act or about the credits for the attack, though these groups could be larger that the predecessors.


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