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Application of the Learning Theory

The Kohlberg theory on the moral development is applicable in the classroom setting, whereby the standards, the rules, and the consequences are apprehensive. This theory of learning tacks the learners’ level of moral interpretation via assigning them one of the six stages of the moral reasoning theory (Stephen, 1990).

This theory is formulated by giving the students the opportunity to make a classroom code of conduct. In this technique, they will become dependable for the rules that they set and tag along them accordingly, instead of blindly agreeing to principles set by school managers or other authorities. By developing classroom policy, students can progress from stage one to stage three where they are responsible within the small classroom population. In addition, it will allow for an on paper self-evaluation as part of whichever disciplinary outcome. It does not have to be extensive, but it should give the student ample time to assess their own reasoning for misconduct and to come up with a resolution for the future. This type of act relates to Kohlberg's fourth phase of morality, in which individuals do their part to keep order by reflecting on the effects of their actions. Moreover, creation of time for role and responsibility play, whether it is related to the syllabus or used as a crisis solving tool. By performing or seeing situations throughout the eyes of others, students gain a more wide understanding of what is happening. This aids them to make choices based not on themselves, but on assurance of the group. Equally, they have sophisticated to Kohlberg's sixth phase, in which the desires of every individual in society are worth considering. In a classroom, a brief skit or situation can help students focus on making sure everybody is involved and engaged in the learning process (David, 2007).


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Evolutionary theory of learning according to Darwin is applicable in the church setting. In the United States, the catholic churches teach their believers the evolution as a part of their science curriculum, they insist on the fact that in the modern world evolution is present and it occurs as modern evolutionary synthesis. The catholic bishops maintain the fact that the study of the evolutionary learning theory increases the understanding of other people’s behavior and reduced judgments; this is due to the understanding that evolution is a process that occurs by the natural selection progression, which is the consequential process that exists when individuals of a precise population differ in characteristics; this differing is usually heritable and, thus, different people behave in different manners. Variations in human beings enable them to have different abilities of survival in the same environments (Gary, 2008).

Cognitive moral development theory by Kohlberg has been acknowledged as a construct to help explicate business ethics, social accountability, and other organizational aspects. This article critically assesses cognitive moral development theory acts as a construct in business ethics by providing the history and criticisms of the theory in application to an organization. The worth of cognitive moral development theory is assessed and the problems with using this theory as one analyst of ethical decisions are dealt with. Researchers are made conscious of the main criticisms of cognitive moral development theory, such as the disguised value judgments, invariance of phases, and gender bias in the first scale development. Repercussions for business ethics research are analyzed and opportunities for future research described. Business leaders can assist employees to develop morally, and doing so is essential to business management. Psychologists also claim that individuals may work at a lower level of moral development in the place of work than they do in their private life, which may illustrate that people are not immoral but merely need guidance on how to bring their personal moral stage into the place of work. Mullin's hypothesis takes into consideration the commanding position of members of organization and assumes that molding moral behavior and actions promote moral development. Moral development is vital in business because businesses serve as a model for the general public and vice versa (Gary, 2008).



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