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Project Management: Business Plan for a Logistic Company

Project Results and Their Substantiation

In order to drawn unbiased and objective results, the criteria of the leading scholar and business authorities (Lipczynski, 2008; Juttner, 2005; Cole, 2008) have been utilized and due analyzes of the FORWARD LOGISTICS business environment has been conducted.      

To generalize, the aim of the following part of the research is to achieve the following goals:

a)      To Highlight and to Accentuate What Was Accomplished and  How It Was Accomplished

In other words, whenever the managers or the interested third parties, e.g. investors are interested to get a brief understanding of the company environment or to evaluate the upcoming projected stages, there is no need to read the entire business plan. Assuming the fact that a detailed comprehension of the business plan peculiarities has already been obtained, the details of the plan can be easily reconstructed on the basis of these results (Lipczynski, 2008)


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b)      To Indicate the Main Reasons of the Business Project Success

Whereas the main body of the regarded business plan has been designed to describe the environment of the business project in question, the main objective of the results section is to convince the target reader that the project implementation is feasible, realistic and objectively profitable. Furthermore, this section is to convince the prospective investors or other interested third parties that the project is worth being invested financially (Schwand & Franklin, 2010).

c) They Are Utilized to Conduct an Operational Analysis of the Project

Implementation and Project Participants Performance

Whilst the project is being implemented by its agents, it should be closely monitored and scrutinized by the management division of the project. In order to conduct an effective random supervisions and checks, and naturally there is no need to refer to the entire criterion outlined in the main paragraphs of the business report. It is sufficient to review the most fundamental benchmarks which have been encapsulated in the results of the business plan (Cole, 2008).

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The Findings of the Company Business Environment

The Marketing Approach of the FORWARD LOGISTIC

The FORWARD LOGISTIC company managerial department has definitely decided on the most rational market structure. The headquarters and the operational divisions in the neighboring areas have been numerously reported to be the most optimal structure for the young company, which recently incepted its market performance. As it has already been indicated in the main paragraphs of the business report, the firm is headquartered in Rochester and its branches are located in Bufallo and Syracouse. The geographical location of these commercial centers naturally enables the firm to implement its market objectives effectively. The fact that is worth extra-accentuation is the character of the main industries of the company being the fuel efficiency management systems, transportation, electricity management, freight and solar energy systems. Considering the geographical location of the firm and its departments, the managers of the company additionally highlight the fact that the services can be rendered and the requested commodities can be delivered upon the order of the customers within the two days period as a maximum. This market policy has been designed with consideration that the company is intended to occupy 25% of the market, and this “quick delivery” approach is designed to assure the attraction of the customers.

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Overall, the market strategy of the company can be defined as an aggressive one. The main competitors of the company are UPS and FedEx, the companies with significant experience in the markets at issue. Therefore, the most relevant strategy for the firm is to conquer the customers by means of expeditious service deliveries and by assuring top quality of the rendered services and delivered/manufactured commodities.

The Criteria Used to Evaluate the Performance of the Firm and Their Practical Implementation

The following section of the Results chapter is to designate the criteria, which are recognized by the contemporary business and scholar authorities and their implementation in case with the FORWARD LOGISTICS Company.

a)      The Ecological Environment of the Company 

Alongside with providing to quality services in accordance with the industries of the company, the company was proud to announce that the entire business activity of the firm is exercised in a strict conformity with the existing and projected local and international ecological standards. Moreover, it has been accentuated that the need to assure an entire compliance with the existing and with the projected ecological standards has been dictated by the firm’s social responsibility. Whereas the balance of profit making and observing ecological standards is being staggered, the preference is due to be given to the compliance of the ecological mandatories. Considering the “eco-friendly” nature of the firm, the enterprise is highly probable to be favored by the government (Juttner, 2005). Recent amendments adopted by the United Nations Organizations highly admonish the developed and developing nations to create a favorable environment for the companies which conduct their business activity while concerning the deterioration of the natural ambience and contributing to the preservation of the saved environmental standards. Practically, those companies are encouraged, which obediently follow the guidelines and recommendations of the Kyoto protocol and which respectively diminish the number of the fumes and other wastes dumped in the atmosphere. The encouragement is implemented in the number of the tax privileges and the government orders (Cole, 2008). Therefore, ultimately the policy of ecological compliance is justified from the financial viewpoint.

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b)      The Development and Prosperity of the Firm’s Industries

The firm operates in several markets. First and foremost, among the operational areas of the firm are mail deliveries, express deliveries, forwarding and freight, corporate informational solutions and financial services.  In accordance with the recent European Business Association annual reports these industries are among the most extensively demanded on the markets in terms of the service deliveries (Cole, 2008). The focus of the company performance is providing the sustainable logistics operations.                            

Generally, the choice of the industries was not made randomly. These industries are the most dynamically developing on the local as well as on the international market (Juttner, 2005). The key industry will be corporate informational solutions, the demand for which is the most evident nowadays. There have been numerous reports produced by the various government and private agencies claiming that the corporate informational solutions are the most urgently needed services in the market.                                                                                  

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Overall, it is evident that the choice of the industries was well-considered by the managerial department of the company.  In fact, the crisis caused by the lack of the client is not imminent for the company, and it is projected that even if the firm does not accomplish its goal to win 25% of the market share, the firm is still capable of accruing big profits and attracting an impressive referral base.

c)      The  Effectiveness of the Firm’s Management

As far as the management of the firm is concerned, it must be accentuated that in accordance with the managerial structure of the company, it has been resolved to define the professional responsibilities of the project managers and broadly as possible. In other words, the manager has been entrusted in order to enjoy a wide liberty of permissible actions. Under the conditions of this business project, the manager is entitled to intervene to the process and to make the corrections, which he considers necessary to be made to the project. Besides, the manager is required to facilitate in the cooperation among the various departments of the firm and to aspire to reach the highest rate of unanimity among them. To be more exact, the ultimate objective of the manager is to ensure that all the misunderstandings and confusions that are likely to arise among the management, administration, legal, architectural and procurement departments of the companies have been totally eradicated and that they are not likely to arise in the foreseeable future (Cole, 2008).       

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It can be recapitulated, that the internal hierarchical structure of the company vests the manager with almost the authoritarian powers (Juttner, 2005). The project manager is entitled to active participation and his opinion and counseling is reviewed as a binding and ultimate one for all agents of the business process. The position is currently occupied and will be occupied in the foreseeable future by the Harvard graduate Mike Jeffrey, whose civic service and academic experience as well as his professional skills and qualifications are sufficient and ever superfluous to occupy his position. Undoubtedly, he will be able to unite the departments of the firm and to communicate with the customers effectively.  Overall, the most valued policy of the company is that the most qualified and skillful employees must be hired by the company to ensure the upkeep of the promoted top quality services and timely deliveries.  

d)      The Control and Accountability Methodology 

The divisions of the company and key management figures share the responsibilities in terms of control and monitoring. The surveillance is divided into several stages and the roles of the surveillance and control agents are although divided accordingly, entirely corresponding to the emerging market trends and standards. The managers are defined as those who “owns the task”, who “implements” the task, those, who “should be informed” and those who “should not be necessarily informed”, but who are “advised to be consulted”. Definitely, these reporting and accountability system does seem to be the most effective. Leading scholar and business luminaries of this field have been reported to admonish this surveillance and accountability methods (Cole, 2008; Lipczynski, 2008).

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e)      The Project Acceptance Criteria

The set of these benchmarks have been elaborated in order to assess the feasibility and practical implementation of the business project in question. In particular, the project is assessed in terms of budget compliance, schedule accordance, safety, performance record, professionalism, environmental compliance and managerial approval. Provided that these entire criterions are met, the project can be deemed as successfully implemented.                

Besides, the wide range of assumptions has been taken. Delivery, environmental and budgetary assumptions are singular in this very case. Furthermore, in contrast to the rest of the business projects of the similar natures, these ones have been realistically assessed and there is a high degree of probability that these assumptions will almost fully correspondent to the real circumstances. The scholars also highly recommend considering the practical implementation of the assumptions and to assess the probable deviations (Juttner, 2005).

The Projected Market Positions of the Company

In accordance with the statement of FORWARD LOGISTICS the firm expects that in the foreseeable future at least 25% of the market share will be conquered by the enterprise.  The convergent opinion of the scholarly and business authorities is that in order to accomplish its market goals, the newly opened business entity has to adapt a new market approach, to observe the existing and projected legal requirements in terms of taxation and environmental mandatories as well as to adapt the performance to the market fluctuations (Cole, 2008). The last but not the least constituent is the effective and dynamic managerial division capable of exercising their functions effectively and it is evident that the present business proposal clearly meets all the requirements (Lipczynski, 2008).                      

The last but not the least advantage this business project which distinguishes it from the similar business schemes is the correspondence with the international ecological standards. The scholarly, government and business authorities highly recommend adapting the business performance of the entity to the ecological needs of the international community (Lipczynski, 2008). In this case the adaptation does not impede the accomplishment of the purely business objectives of the company.                               

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In conclusion, considering factors outlined below, it is highly probable that the business project will be effectively implemented.



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