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Placement Logistics

Placement logistics is a method of location goods and commodities within a specifically designated geographical area (Langford, 2005). While considering the way in which these goods or commodities are located, a vast number of peculiarities should be considered (Water, 2003). First and foremost, the supply chain has to be analyzed.

Supply Chain

The main objective of the supply chain concept comprehension is the determination of what stages of production cycle the commodity (in this case the snack box) undergoes before the ultimate customer gets it (Lypcinski, 2008).

For the purposes of the present situation, the most optimal model of supply chain is the following. Firstly, the raw materials for the snacks are harvested on the fields. The second step is the manufacture of the snacks, packaging, and storing in the warehouses or big stores. The next step is distribution among the wholesalers, then, among the stores, and ultimately, among the customers.

Supplies of the Product

Considering the nature of the present business environment, it seems to be the most reasonable to have two alternatives of the suppliers. The first option is to negotiate the supply of the snacks shipments with the snacks wholesaling companies. The advantage of this alternative is the well-considered delivery systems and upscale quality assurance policy, which developed from the rich experience of the wholesale companies. Besides, the price can be easily diminished by means of having permanent intercourse with the contractor (the discounts are always seamlessly granted to the regular customers of the wholesale companies).


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Another option is to order the products directly from the warehouses of the snacks manufacturers. The cons of this option are the minimal price charged for each unit of the snacks. However, the implementation of this option requires the understanding of the fact that the shipment system has not been elaborated profoundly, and that the discounts are not likely to be given.

The Placement of the Boxes in the Premises of the Companies

Considering the specific nature of the snack boxes logistics, it is highly advisable to locate them in the main reception areas of the companies, in the kitchens, or in the common areas of the enterprises. Assuming the fact that everything will be located this way, it can be inferred that people with disabilities and the staff of the companies can easily access the snacks when they want to consume them.

Supply of Snacks, Which Will be Stored in Interwork

Covering this aspect of the present marketing plan, it must be highlighted that taking into consideration the amount of the snacks consumed by the employees of the firm, it is not efficient to transport them in minivans together with the rest of the products contracted by the company. The contractor (i.e. the transporting company) can be easily found and contracted. The only specific requirement to this company is the fact that the deliveries must be exercised promptly and on the regular basis.

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Growth of Sales

In fact, the leading economics scholars and their business colleagues have a convergent opinion that the most illustrative indicator of the firm’s effective performance is the growth of sales. If the sales increase, the company is profitable and is operated effectively. The responsibility to evaluate the growth of sales is shifted to the accounting department of the firm, which ultimately determines whether the firm performs effectively in terms of fetching profits to the owners of the firm.

Considering the achievement of the firm’s goals and objectives and their evaluation, it is strongly advisable to utilize a traditional approach, under which the initially designated goals are compared and contrasted to the outcomes that have been ultimately achieved by the firm. However, in order to guarantee a successful accomplishment of this task, the procedure of the goals determination and comparing/contrasting is to be exercised in accordance with the existing academic and business standards.

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The Feedback Company

It seems to be relevant to contract an experienced and professionally acknowledged entity to ensure that the feedback is given in accordance with the existing standards.

The Frequency of the Refill

In order to provide a substantiated and informative reply to this question, the expiry date of the snacks must be considered. In the majority of cases, the average expiry date for the snacks is between 2 and 4 days, therefore, the optimal refill period is 3 days. However, it does seem to be very relevant to appoint a person responsible for monitoring the conditions of the snacks. Therefore, the contracting company must be ready to organize expedite extra deliveries in the cases of extra necessity.

Development and Adjustment of Marketing Objectives

Leading businessmen and academic scholars strongly recommend that the marketing objectives of the particular enterprise must be reviewed on a regular basis. Unless this action is taken, it is highly possible that when a specific market situation occurs, the objectives can become outdated for the owners of the enterprise. Both strategic and tactical goals of the firm are to be closely considered and regularly (at least quarterly for this very type of business) accorded with the trends of the market.

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Setting of Performance Standards

The standards of performance are determined by the managers of the firms. Therefore, a qualified management department can guarantee that the standards will correspond to the good practice and that the ultimately obtained results will be positive. However, the opinion of the firms owners should be considered. In other words, the provisions of Articles of Incorporation have to be closely analyzed before the standards are set.

Evaluating Performance and Corrective Actions

As far as the evaluation of the performance is concerned, it must be accentuated that the evaluation method is elaborated by the management of the firm with regard to the existing international professional standards. Regarding the corrections, the managers are responsible for exercising these functions as well. 



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