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Critical Success Factors of BPM

Business Process Management was introduced in the 1990s and has emerged as one of the leading applications in business since then. The focus in Business Process Management is always based on the management processes in an organization. It also involves ensuring that the former are in a position to provide benefits deemed significant to customers. Many Organizations always recognize values of any BPM system as an aid towards attaining their strategic targets and also in creating business objectives (Blackbun 2012).


Culture mainly comprises of attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors in peoples’ minds that always distinguishes one group of people from another set (Blackbun 2012).  Organizational culture has been on the forefront to provide unwritten and unspoken guidance on the best ways of operating in the organization. Culture is essential in any BPM project progression by simply providing leadership towards its success, or it can also be a hindrance to that attempt (Hill, 2012). A superb example would be where there is the introduction of employee empowerment to all hierarchical organizations. This would be looked at with great skepticism, and eventually lead to its refusal and objection by either managers or employees.


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Since the organization culture cannot be replaced in a short time, this means that its essential characteristics should be viewed as the main predecessors for the success of the BPM project (Hill 2012). This means people who are always conforming to a given culture and transforming them to a new one will call for a lot of effort. It is worth noting that many cultural characteristics in most organizations provide a suitable environment for the expected success of any BPM project, as explained below in the sub constructs of desired Culture. Means for achieving the success mentioned under such sub constructs:

  • Formalism in all processes and also business planning. 
  • Formal documentation of business processes existing and applying to the organization, in question. This brings about professionalism at all levels of management.
  • Detailed planning evident in each function of the organization, designed to suit that organization.
  • Inclusion of major stakeholders in planning and also decision-making within the organization. There is no segregation in the policymaking process.
  • There is an existing tendency of critical planning for the future. This puts the organization at a good level of facing any challenges that present themselves.

It is worth noting that the organization should be ready for changes. Changes in management may illicit introduction of a new culture in the organization. Constant and persistent failure in the organizational policies can also contribute to these adjustments. All stakeholders should be flexible and accept change and any new policies that will be brought about (John 2012).

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This is a vital point of consideration in any organizational and also in the latter’s efforts in employing BPM (Blackbun 2012). Elimination of the existing political issues affecting the organization in all frontiers, being ready to provide a favorable operational structure for any compensation, fast solution to conflicts, will only take place with sheer senior management plans and efforts. High power of all senior management within the organization can spur an effective dawn and eventually bring about positive implementation of policies. Leadership is essential in many aspects and also in phases of implementation. This is evident in many research works, both conducted and documented. Leadership in any BPM Success projects’ context can be characterized in three main sub constructs. They include:

  • Establishing of transformation vision and guidance.

 Senior managers should be on the forefront in participating in the vision and initiative setting, in all aspects of the BPM. The vision should incorporate all management expectations and also propagate all levels within the organization. The vision should be deemed as holistic and involving by all stakeholders.

  • Illustration of commitment of management to all stakeholders.

Senior management should participate actively in each and every step of design and also implementation within the organization. It should never abandon any responsibilities to the junior consultants and also the regeneration of new teams. Priority should be given to changing of project issues and policies. Approximation of the desired budget and needed resources within the organization is necessary. They should always seek for feedback on the developmental progress from all the organizational stakeholders.

  • Establishing Stability of all the management team during project implementation maintenance of the same management team during the implementation process is necessary.

In cases where the organization feels their knowledge of BPM is being insufficient in all internal operations, external consultations should be sought. Understanding all the concepts of BPM, their success and also failure should be given a priority. They should clearly and explicitly understand the role that BPM has in the business in question.

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Communication is essential in all aspects of management. It refers to all interactions between people in various levels and also varied departments. Successful organizations employ suitable communication, whereby it not only gives a way to suitable working environment for all projects, but also facilitates their deployment. The significance of communication in all phases of a BPM project is evident in successful organizations. The methods include:

  • Providing effective channels of communication.

This involves employing adequate plans to aid in delivering suitable campaigns in communication, in all levels of the organization. Communication channels, such as meetings, medias and also forums should be applied. All stakeholders should be represented in the meetings, and they should be open to all. Fear should not be a way of suppressing one’s ideas but advocating for respect will be necessary.

  • Considering effective communication with the stakeholders in the organization.

Communication between all teams starting from management to implementation should be put into consideration. This should also apply to that with employees. Communication channels are also essential in receiving the customer preferences, feedback and also complaints. All viewpoints should be analyzed on equal grounds without any bias. All project conditions and also the achieved progress should always be the part of the propagation in that organization. Success should be appreciated and shared among all stakeholders.

  • Creating a Trust within the employees

This involves understanding the differences that exist among all employees. Giving each of them personal attention, is necessary. Information gained should be aired to everyone irrespective of position or levels of operation in the organization. Project ambiguities should be explained and understood aiding in achievement of the targets.

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Business Process Management is necessary in all organizations. All levels of management should employ the essential skills in communication, leadership and also culture within the organization. This will ensure the success of the organization.



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