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Voices from a room of one's own is a poetic book that largely talks about feminism. Professor Lisa Lai-Ming Wong writes it from Hong Kong. Lisa holds an MA in translation and interpretation from the University of Hong Kong. Women and fiction are the major themes focused on within this book. The book's title also tends to portray the thesis of the book. Like many other books, it talks about the rights of a woman. They campaign for the assurance of good kind of life for a woman. Rights like maternity leave, protection from sexual or domestic violence. Reproductive and voting rights are among the rights that the women representatives demand for. Voices from a room of one's own argues for the right of a woman to posses her own room where she can carry out various tasks from. The books author reflects her question on women.
She wonders and asks why there have been very few female authors as compared to male writers. Woolf is concerned about how the total number of women writers can increase. She offers many solutions to this that she believes can help in sorting out this issue if only strictly considered. The hindrances that prevent women from soaring high in the writing fields include the limitations in materials that make writing a success. Education to women remained not important and this led to the women lacking a chance to participate in writing. Education was for men only during the past time. Men occupied most of the careers since they had knowledge on then. Men denied the women the chance of having control over the wealth within their community(Wong 2006).
Men have always had authority over the wealth therefore making women lack the chance to initiate their own projects. Women who had always aspired to be writers did not access the chance to attain their goal. Woolf calls for a mass attention to all people to work hard towards overcoming this. Men will dominate the writing field if the solutions offered by Woolf do not attain consideration. Availing more materials to women will improve their position I the society. Those who had always dreamt of writing will have got a good opportunity to expertise their prowess in writing. If it were not for the shortage of the materials, Woolf believes that women would have excelled in writing a long time ago. For a woman to be successful in her writing, she requires a room of her own and minimum earnings of five hundred pounds in each year. The income ought to be generated y another source rather than the writing field (Wong, 2006).
A woman writer should be given ample time to think and cool environment for her to do the work with expertise. Woolf mentions that a woman writer for good health requires a good kind of diet. Since writing requires energy, one has to observe a diet that is rewarding. As compared to men, the women take a very poor diet due to lack of money. On the other hand, men enjoy a rich kind of diet and therefore their health remains to be good. Woolf points out that for the past many years, a lot of money catered for the education of men while so little catered for educating women. Woolf takes a step to research why women are so poor than men do, she discovers it from articles written by men about women. They consider the women morally, mentally and physically inferior to them. This brings out a picture of a society controlled and dominated by men only. They only write in praise of their status in the society while downlooking the women (Room 2004).
The writer calls upon women within the society to accumulate intellectual freedom that will create a better way to their literature. Work written by women has not been published due to the believe that women can never produce quality work. The writer also urges women to engage in writing and write about all the issues that men have ignored about them. She says that it is important to bear the qualities of a man as woman to persevere in life. Woolf mentions some of the great female writers in lifetime. She mentions George Elliot, Emily Bronte, Jane Austen and charlotte Bronte. She refers to the works of theses woman writers to be the reflections of a woman's capability in writing (Room 2004).
The efforts by Lisa have in some way managed to reach a certain standard. A number of some women have strained towards achieving their goals as urged by wolf. On the other side, men have stopped down looking women and still this has been a major problem towards hers success (Rosenman 2005).
Virginia Woolf emerged to be among the most known female writers among the English continents. For a very long time, the women do not get various rights that were of great importance in their lives. A room of one's own is a poetic work that campaigns for the rights of a woman within the society. The sole aim that drove the writer towards writing it was to give views that would help in liberating the women from the oppression of men. The writer wanted to proof that women can also do as good as the one men do (Room 2004).
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