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Viewing Art with a Critical Eye

Techniques of Visual Critical Thinking

Visual thinking is influenced mostly by visual learning. How much one is educated on the concepts used in visual learning, determines their impact on critically analyzing visual representations herein referred to as visual critical thinking. Conceptual ideas in relation to techniques and images are usually associated with relevant information or data. When applying visual techniques, it is of paramount importance that preciseness in the selection of symbols to represent particular ideas or images is observed. Proper wording after this, results in better clarification and understanding of the meaning through spatial representation of information or data. This serves to help elaborate on the inter-relationship between ideas and the symbols.

Visual critical thinking techniques involve mainly the linking of information in visual form to make connections, and or understand the relationship by recalling of the details. This is usually due to the fact that information is better retained and understood if it is either represented or learned both verbally and visually. Comprehension of new ideologies in most cases is due to the fact that one possessed prior understanding of a previous particular idea. Visual techniques also rely heavily on organization. Through organization, one is able to represent and fully understand enormous amount of data, through the use of diagrams, thus helping them better learn the different patterns revealed.

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The Role of Pleasure and the Perception of Art in Visual Thinking and Techniques

When talking of visual thinking, it is important to understand that information has been confirmed to be better understood, if in visual form. Take for example the case of little children. For them to understand and gain proper meaning of a particular information, they have to find pleasure in ones visual representation of the same information. This has been found to better help children improve on their visual skills altogether whilst stimulating interest in subject information. This is better illustrated by adverts which seek to involve the audience in this case the children.. In order for them to develop familiarity, they must first encounter the piece of art or work, and view it personally. If they find the colors pleasurable and the symbols or diagrams attractive, ten they are most likely to remember easily.

The perception of art derives it s basis from the statement known the world over, that beauty lies not in the subject, but in the eyes of the beholder. This in simple terms means that whatever may seem beautiful to one person, might not be so with another. If this is true, then does it really apply to art too? The answer in my opinion is a big yes. This is because I tend to think that if something is to considered artistic, must first meet one of the concepts that define it, in this case beauty. However, even with this, it is hard to define art and it surpasses mere appreciation. Many interpretation other peoples works of art don't necessarily mean that that was what the artist had in mind.

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This is usually necessitated by wrong visual thinking in relation to other people's art. If I decide to create a stand out of a wood carving for the purpose of shelving my books, then it can only serve that purpose alone but it does not in any way lessen it as a piece of art. However I do believe that for this to happen it must in one way or the other, connect to the viewer and move them enough to make their own conclusions according to what they see. This in my case would have fulfilled the concept of the perception of art.

Role of Pleasure in Determining our Daily Interactions with Art

Since pleasure plays a major role in determining whether a visual representation will impact on the viewer, it is important to properly understand its influence ion how we perceive art that we encounter on a daily basis. Art is every where just look around you and you will agree with me. Many fail to understand exactly what art is because of the simple fact that there isn't any clear definition of art, only individualistic views. This is partly because many consider art to be a representation of beauty. I completely disagree with this because I believe that even ugliness is beautiful in its own right.

The ability for an art to induce pleasure in the viewer results in better understanding and in one way it is tied with interest too. Studies show that one is usually interested in things that they consider pleasurable. The example of color and shape shows exactly how unpleasing or pleasing objects of art can be to different individuals. For instance many object to black or dark colors and thus will not find pleasure in such works of art. This is also vice versa to shapes of the same objects. Most people look for instant pleasure when viewing art and delayed pleasure is usually reserved for critical observers who are not blinded by the outward representation, rater endeavor to find the inward meaning

Because of the urge to connect and elicit pleasure that most visual arts possess, too much time is spent by many viewers just in search of pleasure from this arts. This results in the failure to understand their true meaning as is the case with many advertisements that bank on inducing pleasure resulting from laughing. The true meaning is usually lost. It is this concept that has succeeded in helping both legitimate and illegitimate governments mistreat and enslave people. People seldom realize who they are voting for because all of the advertisements depict all as good people. It is unto the critical eye to discern what is false and most peoples fail in this, something the governments have realized. This is also worsened by the fact that in focusing more on pleasure, not many stop and think of the verbal aspect of the visual art. Because of this, information is not only lost, but the risk of exploitation is increased tremendously.

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I really wanted to spend the weekend with my pals but as fate would have it, it didn't happen simply because it rained heavily. So I decided after all to do some cleaning which involved dusting my belongings especially the decorations. Among them, was a small cartoon with its hands holding a tray and outstretched. They are kind of extra large, typical of cartoons. On a closer look, I find that it has very many dimensions of art and incorporates beauty in a weird way. It seems to speak volumes in terms of organization and even goes ahead to be pleasing as I find myself laughing as a result of the humor it emanates. Some of the questions I believe the cartoon is asking include, whether or not I am beautiful, if I would like to share the reason for my laughter and ″why cant I move my limbs and hinds like you do?″

Before viewing this particular piece of art closely, I found it disinteresting and always reserved little attention in terms of space for its mounting. I thought its color very dull and the fact that it had such big hands, made me have the impression that its structure lacked proportion. I did not find anything humorous about it simply because it did not move me in any way. However on close observation, I realized that I was completely wrong as even in its utter ugliness, the cartoon still possessed the power to pressurize me and I stood there for close to five minutes just laughing at the humorous aspect which the artist had so virtuously protected in ugliness.

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I also realized that its sheer structure was just perfect and did I mention its size? It is ridiculously small. In my view, in order for the artist to give it proportion in terms of balance, the structure had to be small and the huge hands actually help it stand on its own. These I discovered after realizing that the hands were removable. Without them, the cartoon fell helplessly to the floor. I think the artist planned this so that whoever took close observance to the carton would realize without that specific aspect of it, it would be a worthless piece.


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