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Water Budgeting

Water budgeting one of the topics that have been neglected by many people in the modern society and this is very bad owing to the fact that everything that people do in the modern world is not done for discourse (Gregg, 2009). If water is not well budgeted for then this means that many people can still decide to die. Looking at the importance e

Water contains a lot of minerals which makes it rich in terms of nutrition as compared to other drinks that have a lot of nutrients but little minerals in them. Other drinks like powarades and Gatorades only have an advantage over water because they are flavored.  There are varieties of sources of water and some of these sources are such as; underground water, sub-surface and surface, frozen, desalination, vegetables and fruits and many others. With these facts in mind, it is very hard to go anywhere and lack water in the world and for sports people it can only be found in shelves of different shops thus making the sources of water more convenience. Water is a product that is very cheap to get since it is free everywhere unless someone only wants to buy those that are bottled although some other forms of water such as the Gatorade and waterade are very expensive.

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Advantages of Consumption

According to research, it is believed that dehydration contributes a lot to poor physical and mental performance in human beings and also contributes a lot to stress and strain. The amount of water that is lost through sweating by people who take regular exercises can easily be replaced through taking plain water and this prevents dehydration and other human ailments related to it such as kidney stones. We all need to take good care of ourselves by ensuring that what we take into our bodies is safe. Besides relying on the drinks that are produced for sportsmen, we can also treat it with the means that are available. Alternatively, we can rely on the companies that produce sports drinks since they ensure that it goes through a long chain of distribution before it reaches to us the consumers (Gregg, 2009).

Disadvantages of Consumption

Although sports drinks are considered to be very sweet by most people in the society, it contributes a lot to the breaking down of the enamel since they contain some sugar and contents that contain a lot of calories in them. Unless one is a sportsperson, it is believed that taking Gatorades or waterade can contribute to weight increase since they have high levels of sugar and other calories as compared to ordinary water. On the other hand, there are no disadvantages of consuming water but it only has advantages.

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HR Budget Overview

When making a budget of water then the managers should always realize that there is something very essential and it is a basic need in the society and that is water. The budget should always be done while looking at the increased rate of productivity which is measured per the amount of dollar spent. The budget is done after looking at the overall productivity of the employees in a given company or organization thus they decide to improve it since most of the HR departments rarely get to know what is happening in the organization before they look at the performance of the employees. When focusing on the budget overview of H20, the HR is supposed to focus on the productivity, sales made, margins, the quality of product, the pace of development and customer satisfaction. When the budget is made with this approach, then factors associated with water in the society will be sorted out the soonest possible.

Cost reduction Strategies

These are strategies that are taken in the business world especially when focusing on the amount of water that can be consumed. Cost reducing strategy entails a lot of things but the most important thing is the value of the shareholder, strategizing on how to go into the global economic world. Cost reduction of H20 also helps in evaluation of long-term plans of cost management and also makes management techniques possible. Cost reduction also ensures that most people are able to afford it and this is very important in the society (Gregg, 2009).

Cost Cutting Strategies

There are many strategies that can be used to cut down the cost of H20 since this makes the expenses more affordable and also helps an organization to save enough money and also makes a company make more profits. This means that the rate of growth of expenses and revenues increase at the same time. Doing the math is a very effective strategy towards cutting down the cost of H20. Another strategy that can be used to cut down the cost of water is through analyzing the products and the services that are more profitable as compared to others. It is always not good to cut down the fixed costs in any budget since this could interfere with the budget. Looking at the expenses that have been made and deciding which costs are important than others is very important. It is not advisable to go into cutting costs only when the economy has started altering but also when it is stable because this will help in saving. 

Finally, a person who roughly exercises for one hour can easily dehydrate or replenish their muscles completely through taking a lot of water. Taking natural water is one of the best ways of utilizing its nutrients since they have no effects on the lives of human beings as compared to replacing it with a foreign fluid.


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