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The Needs of Men with Prostate Cancer: Results of a Focus Group Study

Wallace, M., and Storms, S. “The Needs of Men with Prostate Cancer: Results of a Focus Group Study.” Article Review

There exists limited research concerning the educational and psychosocial needs of men identified with prostate cancer. Additionally, there is limited effectiveness of support services existing to help this population. This is what led to this study to explore the social and psychological needs of men identified prostate cancer. The author identifies a gap in knowledge by exploring different researches done in the past. There is little knowledge concerning the needs of men living with prostate cancer. This makes them look for help from the Internet or support groups which offer insufficient information. Therefore, there is a need to explore the existing needs of men with prostate cancer. The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the psychological and social needs of men living with prostate cancer with the help of a cancer model which was previously developed.

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Qualitative methods were appropriate since the searcher dealt with the importance of personal accounts under overall context surrounding the research topic. The author has cited different quantitative and qualitative studies relevant to the focus of the study. In fact, the author has cited books peer reviewed nursing journals and Internet sources from different authors of different periods. Most of the sources are current. However, the author included outdated sources such as those published in 1948. The disciplines of studies the author applied include; general cancer department, prostate cancer department, mental science department and breast cancer department. It appears that the author searched for databases in the CINAHL for relevant studies.

The author evaluated weaknesses of available studies. For instance, the author mentions that the work of Nicola et al (2005) had a small sample size and lacked objective measures, which limited the generalizability of their findings. The author has not included enough information to build a logical argument. In fact, the author has evaluated work of very few authors. Therefore, the author did not provide enough evidence to support the verdict that the study was needed. The author failed to identify a specific perspective from which the study was developed. The researcher developed a framework as part of the findings of the study. This is the diagram representing the model of the needs of men with prostate cancer.

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The study was based upon qualitative research tradition. The methods used in the study were consistent with qualitative research tradition. Participants for this study were recruited through direct mailing to current and former support program users; flyers distributed through affiliated urology rehearses and newspaper advertisements. The newspaper advertisements and the flyer explained the study. They encouraged participants to communicate with the researcher if they had questions. Those interested in participating in the study were organized for a focus group. The sample included only men with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Those men who were unable to communicate in English or give informed consent were excluded from the study. The sites for recruitment fit the sampling since men of different ages and background were sampled.

Open-ended questions and demographic questionnaires were used to collect data. The author does not give any rationale for using this data collection method. Data collection in the study took three months. The first month was to look for the participants and give them appropriate dates for the focus group. This included several adjustments to ensure all participants meet during the most convenient date. The focus groups met on the second month, and the audio tapes were collected. The last month was to listen to the audio tapes and collect data appropriately. The participants went through tree stages in which data was collected. These were; diagnosis (taking in), experience (taking hold), and survival (taking on). The data management and analysis methods fit the research purposes and data as it enabled the researcher to collect the required data and analyze it effectively.

The findings addressed the purpose of the study. The data collected were sufficiently analyzed. Similarly, the interpretations of data congruent with data collected. The researcher failed to address variations in the findings by relevant sample characteristics. Instead, the researcher generalized the conclusions as if; the sample was of the same age and background. The study offered new information that current support services are insufficient for men with prostate cancer. It gave clear guidance on the improvement. The author linked the findings with other studies and relevant literatures. The study revealed that clinicians should have enough knowledge concerning prostate cancer. The patients should be guided on how to live positively with prostate cancer instead of making it hard for them to survive. There should be a policy that all patients with prostate cancer should join peer support group so that they handle the condition as a group. Employment of nurses with the knowledge of urology will enhance patients' knowledge level and confidence. This will ultimately affect treatment choices and healing procedure. The patient should be treated with his wife, to offer support and encouragement. The author explores these applications in the discussion.

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In conclusion, the study has pronounced the absolute role of nursing in the development, implementation and organization of group support and one-on-one services for males with prostate cancer. Generally, the overall presentation of the study fits its purpose, method, and findings. The research is well documented making a coherent logic to the presentation of findings. The findings provide a credible reflection of reality. The results can be used in the nursing practice, to help men identified with prostate cancer cope up with the shock and take appropriate medication. The research put emphasis on the importance of informing patients about prostate cancer and following up their well-being. The research also revealed the psychosocial needs of men identified with prostate cancer patients and how they can be handled.


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