Table of Contents
The Monk And The Riddle: The Education Of A Silicon Valley Entrepreneur is an individual story of Randy Komisar, who works within Silicon Valley relating with entrepreneurs. Whereas I anticipated the plot of this book, it was a great disappointment after reading (more correctly, glancing through bits of the novel). Specifically, the captionof The Education Of A Silicon Valley Entrepreneur prompted me to anticipate many lessons concerning entrepreneurship, which were not there. The Monk and the Riddle cannot be compared with other existing business books. Transcending the characteristic "leadership book" replica of frameworks and lists about how to be successful in commerce, The Monk and the Riddle conversely appears to be humorous and lively narrative on the tutelage of an exceptional Valley insider. Though Komisar presents advice and definite “must do’s” applicable to anyone wishing to advance a startup, he poses it in a narrative-like setting in which interesting characters should find the reality themselves. Although, different from principal character Jonah in his book The Goal, the author does not respond to all the queries he poses. Instead, he elicits from personal knowledge to present queries that every entrepreneur must answer honestly throughout a business growth phase so as to succeed. The book’s format maintains the presentation of entertainment and light. The book can be recommended to individuals who are interested in starting their own businesses or intending to head different kinds of business, including e-businesses. It might interest you to go through a print of the book, but, in my opinion, if searching for instructions on becoming a successful entrepreneur, there are far better books.
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The book develops over the progression of a continuing dialogue involving Komisar and anticipating entrepreneurs, Allison and Lenny. It is also a porch into the central works. Silicon Valley shows how startups are instigated, in what way venture capitalists carry out their contracts, as well as how intensely strategies are pitched and prepared. There are descriptions how one shaker and mover found nirvana, not in the job’s recompenses but in the job itself. While the story follows Komisar through appointments to meet venture capitalists and eager entrepreneurs, as well as through his dialogues with Lenny’s advance toward a determination, The Monk and the Riddle conveys invaluable instructions about the disparities between management and leadership. It is engaged in drive and passion, as well as in the denotation of personal and professional success. After the main goal is achieved, Komisar notes that "the voyage is the recompense." The most infuriating part of the book is the time it shadows the aspiration of a youthful anticipating entrepreneur who wishes to raise capital due to creation of online interment service. His fervor for becoming rich is thought to be facetious. Komisar warns him that if the only objective is to become rich, he perhaps will not have the ardor to cope with tough times. Komisar explicates the flaw of deferred life plan. The deferred life plan consists in the development of an entrepreneurial scheme to become rich, if one feels infatuation for the scheme. Afterwards, one gets rich and goes on to undertake whatever he wishes to do in his life. Nevertheless, the entrepreneur gets the insight and precedes from online interment services to craving for a more realistic service that gives respect to the sincerely departed. He wishes to endow funerals with joyful atmosphere. His principal intentions are focused on this obsessive idea. Will he get the capital now? All that can be said is a tiger never changes its stripes; also, there is a disparity between the rhetoric passion and real passion, which is widespread all over Silicon Valley.
One of the main concepts in this book concerns the overdue life plan. Explicitly, we need to find a resolution for the issues we must settle first. It includes earning money, climbing the professional and social ladders, which sets us free to perform important actions. The problematic situation is that we frequently lose the main target in the initial place. We accept the tardy life plan since we frequently take error drive for desire. Drive pushes you, whilst passion attracts you. Drive originates from outside in, while passion originates from the inside out. In case you do not recognize yourself, it is quite easy to cloud the two. You demote your appetite to the second section of your life whilst driving oneself to acquire external imperatives, which fits most of your perceptions about what your social environments expect from you. Drive that is shadowed by passion makes the formula for the tardy life plan.
Ultimately, the deferred life plan, just as outlined by the author, is that we must do our best in order to become professionals, establish our main intentions, be successful and build a career. Thereafter, you may perform the other duties you like to carry out.
Rules regarding Deferred Life Plan
Rule Number One: Do what you must do
Rule Number Two: Do what pleases you to do.
Inside the deferred life plan, you shelve risking the issue that is of great interest; that occurs later if it ensues at all. The author highlights a strong point to chase your passions according to the deferred life plan.
Komisar shows his insight by offering advice to wanna-be, online entrepreneur, Lenny. Lenny comes to Komisar, the Silicon Valley veteran, for assistance in his company’s establishment, The Lenny is the archetypal Eastern prototype of a salesman who is committed in this business just for the income. He sells online caskets cheaper. Komisar is unenthusiastic with Lenny’s terrain and almost decides to send him on his own way when Lenny indicates his lax underbelly. Hence, Komisar unvaryingly should assist. The author requires Lenny to change his concentration from the possible monetary plunders of his notion toward what inspires him: “What,” asks Lenny, “can it take for one to be eager to spend the remaining part of life on” As a response to that question, the value scheme for the business reclines, which will make others excited concerning the idea, help execute it and fund it. Whilst assisting Lenny, Komisar presents beneficial information. He starts from elucidation what Venture Capital firms’ looks for, to designating the necessities for CEOs during several phases to startup, and noting what features differentiate a good manager from a good leader. While he appears preachy, Komisar has reliability. He checks his own occupation and thinks over valuable lessons learned from colleagues, bosses and mentors all the way. He has been the CEO, co-founder, corporate lawyer and CFO of some fruitful and some averagely successful institutions. Contemporarily, he provides leadership and direction (and contacts) for business people, necessitating experience. He assists them throughout the preliminary phase, and then completely retires or transfers to a less essential advisory responsibility. It is quite clear that he thinks several notions can be good, though without a passionate and visionary leader who can take risks and contains an eye for the people, notions will not sprout into the company, which is as persuasive as it can be.
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In conclusion, here are no checklists or recipes. Clearly, Komisar believes that you must not have to wage your fees slaving in a passable profession so that an individual can do the things he needs in the future. Select an occupation with a rewarding expenditure. This way will bring solutions to the chicken-or-egg riddle.
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