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Personal Responsibility Essay

Ethical lens inventory refers to a person’s personal evaluation tool. It is designed with an aim of assisting students to be enlightened on their rights and values that have an influence on their choices. It also tries to prioritize principles in the ethical decision making process. Ethical lens inventory helps these individuals understand the most essential values as well as the values that are of immense importance to other parties linked to the ethical situation. Once individuals acquire relevant knowledge about themselves and that of others, they stand a better chance of minimizing unnecessary conflicts. Therefore, they are capable of making upright ethical decisions living their values in a confidential and integrated manner (Association for Moral Education, 1980).

In general, it is possible to have a set of core values that are applicable to human beings in the process of combating ethical conflicts. They are also crucial while trying to understand personal strategies of people. Nevertheless, they are used in decisions which give people a chance to respect each person’s point of view in a better way. Therefore, ethical lens inventory makes it possible to understand all the strengths and challenges that are linked to these individual values. In this case, the personal lens in preference is rights /responsibility as well as result’s lens.

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Rights -responsibility lens categorizes those people who thoroughly think all along a problem before they take an action or choose a strategy to follow in the decision making process. The symbol use in this lens is that of a telescope. When a person is using a telescope, it is possible to look beyond his or her reach in order to determine what to do. The strength which is contained in this lens is that of putting into consideration all possible options that lead into a decision-making strategy, which is strong for both themselves and others (Hatfield, 1980). Another important factor to note on its strength is that of rationality balance, which is aimed at deciding an action to complete a certain task for the best interest of other individuals in the society. Therefore, the decision and choices made are for the greater help or benefit for every involved. For example, those people who fall under this lens make it a priority that every person’s rights are protected, and they receive a fair treatment in the community. According to this lens, people’s opinion on ethical behavior reward is for those individuals who do their job in the right way. This means that once a person in the community makes a good or a right decision, it is possible to make several of them happy at any one time (Clark, 2010).

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The weakness which is contained in this lens is that of overanalyzing with an aim of finding a solution and, thus, consuming much time. In addition, when there are many options available, it becomes hard to choose one. This form of weakness is that of believing that these people’s best is good enough. That is they feel that they have succeeded once they become contended with something. Another exceptionally clear weakness with people under this lens is that individuals outside the lens fail to do things in line with their wish. Therefore, it is clear that this lens accommodates those people who need their instincts to confirm that the answers which they received concerning an issue are not only correct but also fair (Schminke, 2009).

The values of people under the rights lens are those of sensibility and equality. These two core values allow these people to strive as hard as they can to be truthful while treating others. They also show civility while respecting other people. In addition, these people are also courageous and strive hard to follow all the attributes aforesaid, even when others in the community are rebellious to it.


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