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Invention Worksheet Visual Analysis

Answer to question 1-The audience targeted by the above ad image is the American Youth.

Answer to question 2-The visual function of the above ad was to convince the American youth to vote Barak Obama as the president over John McCain of Republican Party.


Rhetorical Element: The bright and jovial face of Obama looking up with the camera angle below is important in giving a feeling visionary leadership which brings a revolutionary change.

Example: The Obama image is looking upward which represent focusing on the future vision.

Explanation: The bright and jovial face of Obama is important in giving a sense of visionary leadership which brings a revolutionary change. The tilting of Obama’s face upward has been deliberately made to make the advertisement appeals to the youthful audience since it creates a strong perspective for the viewer. In addition since the advertisement is targeting the youth, Obama’s face is looking up with the camera angle below him to create an impression of being hopeful, visionary and inspiring. The camera angle makes the advertisement attractive to the audience since the youth are looking up to a visionary, strong, intelligent, leader who inspires them. When the camera was taken the photo, the photographer ensured that Obama does not look directly into the camera, this is quite important in creating spectacular view.


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Rhetorical Element: Black and white colors show the unification of the two races and the belief in one great American nation.

Example: The image has Black, white, red brown and blue colors.

Explanation: Black and white colors show the unification of the two races and the belief in one great American nation. In addition, there is red and blue which are both Americans and democrats’ colors. The application of these colors brings out interplay of emotional appeal that they have to the audience. The colors are used to send the message that even if Obama is a democrat, he first belongs to America and the country is bigger than a party. This notion that the country is bigger than a party has also been reinforced by putting a small democrat badge on the portrait.


Rhetorical Element: The above campaign ad image of Obama inspires hope for prosperity in future.

Example: The word hope has been included in the ad and it is capitalized ‘HOPE’.

Explanation: Hope is a powerful word which immediately drives the enthusiasm in people and makes them picture and face it confidently. The inclusion of the word hope illustrates Obama’s passionate visions for America to bring back the lost glory to the country. Besides, it also shows that although many Americans had lost hope and belief in their leaders, Obama admits that the country can still move forward in the right economic, political direction geared towards prosperity. The main aim of slogan “Hope” is to encourage the audience to support Obama’s presidential bid because of his strong stance that all is possible when people work together in the country.



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