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Analysis Norman Vincent Pearl

This author was born in Ohio, USA, his own life was mostly challenging right from childhood. He got his education from Ohio Wesleyan University and Boston University. He has served as a church minister in many American churches inspiring many to realize whom they really are and live their lives to their full potential. One of the challenges he had to deal with is inferiority complex(hubs).

Pearl was a Christian who applied Christian principles to solve every day problems. He is the responsible person to bringing psychology into the church. Pearl said this ‘through prayer you make use of the great factor within yourself, the deep subconscious mind which Jesus called kingdom of God within you.’ Sighted below are some of the life lessons we learn from this professional writer.

Pearls’ view of life is quite different from most people. His biblical reference to the concept of life inspires many. His books are not seasonal but are filled with an all times inspirational for all age groups. Vincent believes that anything you want to do or to be in life is achievable. In one of his book ‘the power of positive thinking’ he quotes ‘what you constantly image (imagine) may ultimately become a fact if held under sufficient faith.’ He actually motivates the society not to view life as a misery but an opportunity to make a difference. He quotes in the same book ‘your attitude is more important than the facts.’ This goes an extra mile to change the mindset of the society. Pearl actually targets to completely change the way people take life.

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Pearl in his ministry used simple, optimistic, and dynamic sermons. This increased the inhabitants of the parish and subsequently, his fame grew enormously. Pearl had weakly radio programs which were broadcasted. His sermons were mailed to 750,000 individuals in a month. His way of life is summarized in a 1964 movie entitled one man’s way. His work was surely one of its kinds.

Norman Vincent pearl has passed through a lot. He has ministered in many Churches. Pearl was ordained in Episcopal Methodist church in the year 1922. Norman Vincent pearl served as pastor in many churches amongst them being Berkley, Rhode Island, Brooklyn, New York and Syracuse. This happened before he changed his church to the Dutch reformed church in New York City. In New York he gained a lot of fame for his inspirational sermons on the positive approach to the modern way of life. These sermons were regularly broadcast on radio then later on television. On joining the church it had around 600 members i.e. in 1932. With time, the church grew to over 5,000 members. In the years 1969 and 1970 he became the president of the reformed church in America. He retired in 1984.

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Pearl with the support of his wife started a magazine i.e. the guideposts magazine. The circulation of this magazine reaches up to 4.5 million people and happens to be the most reputable of the religious Christian magazines. Pearl had also published many best-selling books among them being the Art of Living, confident living, power of positive thinking and this incredible century. His reputable book the power of positive thinking has already sold more than 20 million copies in 41 different languages. This clearly indicates that he was determined to reach out to the outermost of people and races(Peale).

Norman Vincent also founded the foundation for Christian living in the year 1945 with the support of his wife Ruth. He died in the year 1993 at 1995. Since then Ruth took on the incredible work that Pearl had began. Pearls life was entirely dedicated to causing change in the life of all. His life activities right from ministry to authorship was a sure demonstration of his selfless sacrifice to the society. He actually never withheld any good thing for himself.

In one of his books he writes “I wrote this book out of a sincere desire to help you. It will give me great happiness to know that the book has helped you. I have absolute confidence and belief in the principles and methods outlined in this volume.’ This is in the book ‘the power of positive thinking.”It is express and plain that Normans’ interests and preferences were to change life through inspiration.

Norman being an inspiration to many people, his quotes is so much felt even today. Below I will outline some of his words quoted from his works and or his speeches. He once explained that an action in one’s life acts as an immense installer and builder of confidence. He argues that inaction or inability to work is always the outcome and a paramount cause of fear. He argues that any action has a two sided outcomes either positive or negative. But he emphasizes that taking a certain action is better than not taking one. He bases this on the unwritten law of risks that the more the risk in an action the more the chances of it being rewarding.

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He says that a man should be always interesting, wholehearted and avoid talking too much. He attributes talking too much with the saying that goes “empty container makes most noise” as per him he always believed that a wise man listens first and then talk. He is a person who calculates each and every word that comes into his mouth. A wise man never argues too much in the arguments that are not helpful(Peale, You Can If You Think You Can).

He also calls for all people to believe in themselves and encourage them to have faith in their abilities. Norman also says that a person becomes successful if they possess reasonable but humble confidence in their work. He terms successful people as happy(Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day: An Inspiration for Each Day of the Year).

It can therefore be said that Norman is a treasure to the nation and if all people were inspiring like Norman then the world would be a better place to live in. To those who have had an encounter with his inspirational novels and preaching, they must surely have realized their true selves.


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