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Reading Research Literature

This paper will evidently answer the set of questions pertaining to the two studies about cancerous patients and their respective diseases; the studies attempt to come up with better treatment strategies of the global epidemic. Various infected and affected parties were engaged to shed some light on the studies. Information was induced and deduced in suitable scenarios so as to make the collected data credible.

COPE Intervention For Family Caregivers To Improve Symptoms of Hospice Homecare Patients

  1. The population of the study was obtained from hospice caregivers for cancer patients, who had a rough time managing the symptoms experienced by the patients. Therefore, the cancer patients became a part of the study too.
  2. The sample was selected using focus group sampling strategy. The strengths include: the face-to-face participation of a qualified representative can guarantee that the conversation is always on track, and it encourages participants to engage fully without having someone dominating; the capacity of group participants to interrelate; the group can produce new thinking about the topic, which consequently results into in-depth discussion. Weaknesses include: it is quite difficult to do random sampling on focus groups, and this means findings can not be generalized; focus groups form an exceptionally simulated environment, which can manipulate the answer that are generated; and these interviews should be recorded and transcribed; therefore, it requires special equipment e.g. tape recorder, camera etc.
  3. Yes, the subjects were vulnerable to some extent. The study focused mainly on the management of pain, dyspnea, and constipation. Therefore, patients were excepted if they did not show two of the symptoms as acknowledged by baseline data collection. Symptoms e.g. energy deficiency, dry mouth, loss of breath, pain, feeling overstuffed and wakefulness had to come to being during their participation.
  4. HIPPA concerns had to be considered in the study. The experts educated the families on what non-professionals have to be acquainted with concerning the nature of the problem, when to obtain professional assistance, and what family caregivers should be able to do without seeking help to deal with the problem.
  5. Probable intrusion by hospice staff members was reduced. They were advised that if a patient or a caregiver is questioned about the study, the person should be directed to the RA intervention nurse. The pager number was put on view conspicuously on all study materials. Furthermore, in a 24-48 hour period after hospice admittance, the RA HHA interviewed the patients separately to acquire demographic data. This was done away from the caregivers.
  6. The setting was a large nonprofit hospice that mainly offers home based care.
  7. I believe the sample was biased, because it confined itself only in one health facility. Many aspects of cancer were left out as it is a global issue.

Confronting the Unexpected: Temporal, Situational, and Attributive Dimensions of Distressing Symptom Experience for Breast Cancer Survivors

  1. The population of the study focuses on global breast cancer patients (women) who survived the epidemic. Even though improved treatments have toned down the survival rates, it specifically points out that cancer survivors need to be examined for chronic and late effects.
  2. The sample was selected through secondary qualitative analysis. This study used secondary qualitative analysis to scrutinize the original data set and to respond to a unique range of questions. Strengths include: data is based on the participants’ personal categories of meaning; it is handy for studying a restricted number of cases in intensity; it is valuable for describing multifaceted phenomena; and it provides information from an individual case. Weaknesses include: produced knowledge may not apply to other people or settings; it is tricky to make quantitative forecast; it is not easy to analyze theories with many participants; and it might have lower trustworthiness with some proprietors.
  3. Yes, the participants were vulnerable. Some women explained that they experienced memory loss, anger, and disappointment due to loss of energy and ongoing pain. The study might have sprung up these symptoms as they emotionally talked about them.
  4. Yes, a woman explained her frustration with lymphedema. She felt misunderstood when accused of feigning their symptom experiences. Her boss made her get a doctor’s note, which frustrated her even more.
  5. The exactness of data collected was achieved by employing a group of qualitative researchers operating with the author during the study to scrutinize the data, to evaluate codes, test interpretations, and inductively built up themes. They used Atlas.ti v. 5.0 to code the data.
  6. The setting of the study was placed in homes, in a confidential office space or in a close by library.
  7. Yes, the sample was enough for the study because it used qualitative analysis, which selects a target population that has similar characteristics of the entire population.


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