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Gargantua and Pantagruel

The phrase “making the beast with two backs” refers to the act of sexual intercourse. The writer uses the phrase where he says that Grandgousier and Gargamelle are making the beast with two backs together with joy while rubbing their body parts together. After the act, Gargamella became heavy with child.

The phrase making the beast with two backs seems to degrade the idea of sexual intercourse. Many people engage in sexual intercourse, some for the right reasons, but many for the wrong ones. The writer narrates how different people are misusing sexual intercourse. Although the writer lists many good things about sexual intercourse, he says people are abusing it.

The writer states that, for example, Gargantua is born eleven months after conception. After the father of Gargantua dies, the mother stays for eleven months before giving birth to her son. The meaning of this is that Gargamella, the mother to Gargantua, is having sex after the death of her husband. The writer portrays having sex with another man too soon after the death of a woman’s husband as disrespect to the deceased. Other people engage in prostitution. The other sexual evil that the writer is talking about is having sex for fun, instead of having sex for procreation. The writer says that people are drinking too much even when they are not in thirst meaning that they are having too much sex for the wrong reasons.


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The phrase “making the beast with two backs”, which means engaging in the sexual act for the wrong reasons, seeks to degrade the idea of sexual intercourse. 



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