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Analysis of

The man in the play Act without Words has to reflect on how to respond to all that is happening around him. This character is being used to reflect to the audience the manner in which one has to think through first encounter with unfamiliar and hostile environment. The man is unfamiliar to the hostile condition he has been exposed to, and he has to reflect on the action he has to take to adopt. There is a whistle in the play, which attracts him from all sides: the right and the left wing, and from above (Beckett).

This has rendered to his throws on the stage three times by responding to it. Then he gains cognition of objects appearing that begin with a tree that offers a shadow, a scissors, which he trims his nails and cubes that he uses to reach for carafe. This is where he has realized that responding to the whistle is not good.

The play is being used to reflect on what is meant to be human, as it is communicating to the world without using words. The play is philosophical as it is responding to the purpose of life, and the way man is dealing with the hostile environment while he is alive. The man has to adapt to the environment he is being exposed to, as his dependence on whistle is landing him to trouble without accomplishing his mission (Beckett).


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The man in the final part of the play does not respond to what was freely offered, as he has adapted to the hostility of the environment. This is offering to the audience, the relentless that attacks the man by life, which leads to adapting, what is being offered in life. The whistling in the play is left to the audience to interpret its significance to life and the most probable the rule of nature is. The nature of human relationships with nature is being explored, coupled with the consolations, which are offered to him/her. This has led the man to realizing through the way of experience he/she had, that there is nothing to rely on in life, but his reliance is only himself. Thus, the meaning of life is to be less active, to be in respect to life consolations and be self reliant to acquire the real meaning of life.



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