Any particular detail may make little difference in the overall impact of a development, but taken together, these details exert a profound influence on the ability of a development to meet the quality goals. Consistent with the concept of starting at the source, these details look for opportunities to manage small quantities of runoff at many diverse locations throughout a site. There are variety of design techniques used in coming up with the final decision. Each technique illustrates an approach to design and construction for maximizing infiltration, providing retention, slowing runoff, and minimizing impervious land coverage. The techniques presented here are not all-inclusive, and may not be appropriate for every site or condition, but it is hoped that, once the intent of these details is understood, designers and builders will use their ingenuity to develop additional strategies consistent with quality goals.
Roughly squared masonry slabs should be used in the extended walls, and cement-rich mortar added recently for re-pointing. Concrete should be built in accordance with AS 3600; treated to resist moisture movements. The ground floor should be tiled. Also Water resistant flexible sheet flooring material with sealed joints should be used. Tile skirting should also be added. In the water proof systems copper materials with flexible sheet flooring material with sealed joints is preferred.
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The doors should be painted the same color as the walls; they will need repair, especially the frames and locking rails in future.External doors will experience environmental weather conditions such as heat, cold, and dust storms; therefore steel shutters windows will be best suitable for the house. Since internal doors will be not be exposed to adverse weather conditions, lightweight and hollow core construction will be preferred. They contribute little to the style of the architecture of the building and should be always repaired and maintained.
External light standards, aerials and other electrical fittings should be fixed to the external walls. Caution should be made so that they don’t affect the appearance of the building. There should heating in the building, which must be clear for current and projected usage. The proposed house should be provided with adequate heating, lighting, and electrical service.
The value of the hard landscape in this kind of intervention cannot be overemphasized. This is due to the need to have a strong relationship between the building and the area surrounding it, and to throw into sharp relief its architectural character. In the case of this house Building, the following procedures are recommended: You should considering the intrinsic architectural value of the house, all hard landscape elements must be made from materials that are harmonious in texture and color with the existing building materials. Also special attention must be given to designing the area in front the of the house, which must be accessible to motor vehicles, the area must be connected to home entrance without affecting the vegetation, and gradients and levels must be carefully studied prior to any remodeling effort. Moreover neutral colors should be used for paving to minimize glare; stone paving that matches the stone façade of the building would be most appropriate.
All existing trees must be removed except for one healthy trees in the entrance that are part of the decoration. It is also important that the species to be planted must match the character of the residential house building, and must be chosen from the species native to the area. It is also preferable to use evergreen trees of a well-defined shape and medium size at full growth. All existing trees are documented in the existing landscape plan drawing.
The analysis of the building in relation to bushfire environment underscores the necessity to undertake a referential conservation intervention, not only on the level of the building itself, but in regard to the surrounding area and its urban design parameters. Studies concerning historical, urban and social issues regarding conservation should be encouraged.
On the building analysis level, the following recommendations are deemed necessary: The conservation plan should include a section detailing a schedule for its implementation and identifying who is responsible for each activity. The conservation plan should also be methodical, comprehensive and cover every issue such as the archeological and historical studies. Cost estimate reports should cover the different stages of implementation of the work. Monitoring and assessment must be considered. There should be spatial distribution of functions within the conserved building and site should be suitable to the surrounding built space. Accordingly, the type of lighting, heating, finishes, etc. will be determined by the usage of the building. The possibility of adding modern services should also be considered. If these services cannot be added, or if the existing services cannot be renovated and maintained, these problems might compromise the proposed new functions of the building. And finally project and studies dealing with conservation issues must be documented and published so that the benefit can be achieved.
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