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Life in Sports

Life lessons are lessons that people receive to help them carry on their life smoothly. These lessons would entail good socialization, persistence, responsibility and etiquette among others. Sport can be very constructive in teaching life lessons. Besides the obvious benefits that sports keep people remain physically fit, an promote active lifestyle and get rid of emotional stress, there are also moral benefits associated with sports. Some people think that sports do not offer lifelong lessons. However, the truth is that when one is strongly dedicated to sports, he or she gain a lot and receive so many life lessons. In the recent past, a lot of people have been developing interest to sports. The moral and life teachings associated with this special interest to sports come in many and different dimensions. This paper is an argumentative essay regarding to the life lessons associated with sports. It has presented a well composed argument of the opinions that people have on whether sports provide with life lessons or not.

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First and foremost, sports teach people to handle pressure and foster the ability to manage our performance during tough times of our lives. This is because sports involve competition. This competition is very important since it teaches people to overcome tough times. The competition with rival teams who have more power than we do or sometimes equally strong equips us with the best solution towards victory (Fortanasce 11). This comes with planning our tactics and proper goal setting in the life. For example, during long distance running, sports teach people how to concentrate on the right target and to keep focused, together with planning thoughtfully. When confronted with life challenges, such good traits as perseverance and self motivation are only taught by sports. Furthermore, the people who argue that sports do not offer life lessons probably do not see the importance of moral values such as perseverance and self motivation. The indispensable truth is that sportsmanship that is developed in the field transfers to one’s personal life and serves as a massive foundation for future success (Barassi 25).

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Secondly, sports foster the cooperation between a person and other members of the team. This provides with a life lesson of enabling people to develop their interaction skills with other members of the society. The interaction that takes place between sportsmen and women is productive. This helps people who are involved in sports to transfer the same in their cultural life. Common sense and experience appeal to any team that has deep interpersonal bonds and a supportive atmosphere is always bound to win. Sports also involve trial and error in the game because people are sometimes teammates with people whose ideas vary with ours. Therefore, this helps us respect other people’s opinions. The interaction with teammates during sports helps people develop their coordination and communication skills. These two skills are very important in our personal lives. In fact, they make us behave as leaders of our own lives. People who do not agree with these moral and life teachings that come along with sports are probably different and perhaps they do not really appreciate the warmth of a good interpersonal relationship with their neighbors (Putnam 54).

Sports also have a psychological aspect that provides people with life lessons. In order to explain this, sports are associated with success and failures. Sportsmen and sportswomen must fail and succeed at different points in their lives. Therefore, sports teach us to handle both success and failure with ease. It helps individuals to develop a positive attitude towards failure. This is for a reason that, participation in some sports itself is worth a lot of priceless glory. Therefore, it is very vivid that sports provide a lot of life lessons. Those people who argue contrary to this do not understand the psychological lessons about life that sports offer.

The anticipation that spectators receive during the event of a particular game creates a lot of fun for them. Sports offer a life lesson of being analytic. This is for a reason that the spectators easily use the actions of the athletes and sportspeople to analyze their personality. Moreover, this lesson can be used in other areas of life. The idea of using someone’s behavior in a given situation to analyze his or her personality is learnt in sports. For example, a player who is selfish will not pass the ball to a teammate (Raghoobarsingh 123). He will always try to keep the ball for himself and might be at the risk of making the rest of the team suffer from the consequences of his actions. From the above example, the spectators of the game may also learn a life lesson of being selfless since being selfish can be a disadvantage to oneself and the closely related people. Thus, the argument that sports do not offer life lessons is biased. Perhaps the people with this argument do not view sport outside the field setting.

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Playing sports also build a person’s character. For example, the involvement in athletics improves a person’s drive to compete at his or her highest levels. This teaching is very important in one’s life. This is for a reason that we all need to be competitive in our daily lives. When one’s competitiveness is highly improved, the quality of their lives is also deemed to improve. Also, it teaches the sportsmen how to cope with winning and losing situations. The glory that comes with winning gives the sportsmen a lot of fame and popularity. This causes development of life skills such as modesty because the athletes have to associate well with their fans in order to protect their reputation, and image outside their sporting careers.

Also, sport provides with life lessons such as the ability to take credit for ones actions. This fosters the level of responsibility among the people involved in sports. This comes with the fact that sportsmen and sportswomen are closely monitored by their coaches. For this reason, they are cautious about each and every move that they make during participation in the game. If the sportsmen do something wrong, there are usually tough consequences for them and their teammates. This teaches them to value received life lessons of accountability and teamwork since they have to work as a team to achieve their goals (Woods 45).

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Another valuable lesson that can be associated with sport is brotherhood. The members of the same team consider their team as their second family. The members of the same team relate very well, moreover solve their conflicts amicably. This life teaching refers to their day to day lives in the community. Whenever they have problems with their families or with other members of the society, they easily seek them out.

Sportsmen and sportswomen also operate on strict rules. There are consequences of their dysfunctional actions and actions that bleach the rules and regulations during the game. Thus, this clearly shows that they are equipped with the value of self discipline. People who participate in sports is mainly much more disciplined. This life lesson enables them to behave the same in the society during their daily interaction with other people (Simon 68). The argument that sport does not teach lifelong lessons is probably because of the lack of understanding strict rules which sportsmen operate. Their operation is closely monitored by referees, and they are required to act in accordance to the rules of the game.

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The participation in sports also teaches life lessons like persistence. The sportsmen are trained not to quit, but to gather even their least strength to the last minute during a game. Whenever they are on the field, persistence is one of the most rewarding values that they train. For this reason, they transfer the same virtue of persistence to their day to day life in the society. This helps them to make great achievements in life since practice makes perfect. Once they embrace this virtue in their daily lives they hardly quit. This strength helps them to make heightened achievements in both their personal and social lives. Also, they become admirable people in the society due to their attractive personalities. Therefore, the life lessons associated with sport are real. The argument that sport does not provide with life lessons is, therefore, unrealistic.

Sport helps individuals from different background to change their perspectives towards life. For example, some people who do not perform well in their academics or other arenas of life may be discouraged and even think about suicide because they feel as they are worthless. The truth is that sport helps individuals to realize their talents and to view life with a completely different perspective. People who perform well in sports is very beneficial to the community since they also finance some projects (Coakley 105). This helps them develop their love for charity work, which is a very advantageous life lesson to the community. The fact that sports people are integrated into the community with respect shows that the life lessons associated with sport are existent, and the argument that sports do not teach any life lesson I, therefore, invalid.

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Also, sports are very important in life lessons because they help individuals to realize the importance of using their leisure appropriately. Sportsmen and sportswomen help people to find a possible arena where they harness their energy when they are stressed or whenever they need a company. This life lesson is very important since it prevents scenarios which are not in order in the society. For example, a person with suicidal feelings may indulge in some sporting activity or go watch a sporting event with a purpose to cheer up.

Life will endlessly throw us temptations and hard times. The daily grind of training is very advantageous since it teaches people how to overcome their daily life obstacles. These obstacles once overcome help people to define their success. This makes the individuals be admirable role models in life and also help them to remain active in sport which serves as their daily source of income. Therefore, it is obvious that the argument against the life lessons received in sport tends to underestimate the fact that sport has a great impact on the lives of sportsmen and sportswomen (Fortanasce 78).


From the foregoing, it is unequivocally vivid that sport provides with so many life lessons. The topic of the above essay is very important in convincing people who argue that sport has no impact on people’s daily life activities. The development of values such as persistence, change of attitude towards life, strengthening in times of challenges, building a person’s character, helping to be responsible of one’s actions among other constructive lessons of life is enhanced by sport. The people who support the argument that sport does not provide with life lessons, perhaps, should read the biographies of the most popular sportsmen in the world. This will serve as good sources for them in order to help investigate the lifestyles and their basic personalities. Therefore, people should participate in sporting activities since they receive more life skills and lessons that are very beneficial for them in their daily lives. 


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