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BLOG 1 (Cross Culturale communication)


Have you ever encountered cultural differences in any area of your life? Cultural difference is real and it exists in real world. It can be defined as the believes of different culture, the way they live, the way they eat together with their religious beliefs. In different instances of my personal life, I have encountered cultural Differences from time to time. First and foremost, I once travelled to Mombasa Kenya, which is an African country. This African region mainly has Indian and Arab inhabitants.

I realized that their mode of dressing is very different from my culture. Men mainly dress in Kanzus, traditional Muslim and Swahili attire for men which resembles a dress. It is usually plain White. Ladies are mainly dressed in Buibuis and cover their heads in Hijabs. They do this with a religious reason of not exposing their bodies, hair or face. This is different from my culture. This is because, the women in my culture dress in jeans, shirts and tank tops. On the other hand men in my culture dress in shorts, jeans, trouser, t-shirts, shirts among other clothes. In my culture we have a versatile nature of dressing unlike the inhabitants of Mombasa who have a specific code of dressing.   Their foods are mainly characterized by a lot of spices. Also, they do not eat pork because it is believed to be religiously unclean. In my culture, we eat any food (McGuigan 1996).

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In conclusion, it is unequivocally clear that cultural differences exist. Cultural differences can ignite different feelings when a person newly interacts with members of a new community. From the foregoing it is also vivid that associating with members of various cultures makes people to appreciate their own culture and to respect the cultures of other people. It is therefore important to help other people to integrate freely with your culture whenever they are interested so as to avoid negative prejudgment of our cultures.


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