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Identity and culture


Identity and culture links to the past are usually drawn to assist in understanding the present design of diplomacy in various nations. Cultural diplomacy is a term used in referring to the exchange of ideas, traditions, beliefs, values, information and other cultural aspects. Culture and identity are some of the underlying factors that shape the general communication between nations in global political, societal, and economical arena. This paper explores on the global diplomacy by paying much attention of how it is shaped by cultural heritage and national identities.

How Identity and Culture are Causes and Tools for Global Diplomacy

Evidently, the political arena has always been underexplored in public diplomacy. However, culture and people’s identities play integral part in infusing every aspect of global diplomacy, from policy, to practice, and finally to scholarship. Cultural tones of various communities reverberate with values and ideas that are deeply buried in the political goals of any given community. This intersection of culture and identity creates a path through which people learn from one another, thus, encouraging public diplomacy (Condon & Yousef, 2005). The goal of the intersection is mainly to stimulate thinking and develop cultural awakening in global diplomacy.

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Over the past years, the urge for studying public or global diplomacy has always been on the rise. In global settings, governments focus on developing emergent policies and structures to ensure that the media is used as a tool to bring people together. This is achievable through media initiatives, educational centers, and the proliferation of research that gave birth to what is referred to as “sunrise” of an academic field. Over the past decades, the interest of sharing information globally through political entities identified by renowned personalities influences the general public. In fact, global diplomacy is evidently older than traditional diplomacy.

Yesterday, just like presently, global diplomacy spans across cultural terrains. In the process it spans across both political and socio-economical settings. Identity, culture and public diversity are intertwined to an extent that they are inseparable (Almond, 2006). In fact, it is very difficult to separate culture from communication since it is inevitable to talk about one without talking about the other. Global diplomacy, as a way of communication is always influenced by unique political culture.

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The initiation of facilitation of the exchange of ideas, values, tradition, or other aspects of culture or identity are tool that enhance social-cultural understanding. Cultural diplomacy is no longer relegated to the periphery of international relations; it presently plays a fundamental role in bridging the gap between numerous states (Adler, 2011). Cultural diplomacy has existed for centuries and it is the basis of early cultural diplomats.

In an increased globalized and inter-reliant world, where proliferation of communication technology is the order of the day; technology acts as a link that provide greater access to diverse cultures. The theory of cultural diplomacy entails numerous models that have always been put into practice throughout the history of institutions, individuals, community, states to facilitate and improve relationships between desperate cultures (Stewart, 2007). Cultural diplomacy is also instrumental in creating a peaceful co-existence between communities. In this process, it creates stability, peace or tranquility throughout the world. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that in order to attain peace between people of diverse identities and cultures, one must focus on the five principles of global peace and stability.

These principles include the Protection of International Human Rights, Respect and Recognition of Cultural Diversity & Heritage, Global Peace and Stability, Justice, Equality & Interdependence and finally, the Global Intercultural Dialogue. All the above mentioned five principles must be emulated in both private and public sectors. Global diplomacy is an essential tool in maintaining peace since it based on understanding, dialogue, cultural exchanges and recognition.


It is appropriate to acknowledge the importance of culture, identity as both sources and tools for global diplomacy. This research is vital since it ventures to explore the cultural underbelly of global diplomacy. It has also highlighted on the principles that spark a cultural awakening in global diplomacy. Both in the past and present time, for people to co-exist in the multicultural world peacefully, it is vital have effective public or global democracy in place. This is because through cultural diplomacy, people are capable to develop an “in-awareness” cultural approach to global diplomacy. With greater cultural awareness, people will be able to identify cultural ideal, practices, policies that advocate for democracy around the globe. Basically, people will be able to see the significance of ritualized practices where some people may prefer written materials over verbal ones.


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