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Eliminate Health Disparities in Latino Community


For a nurse to be considered as culturally competent, he or she needs to get better understandings of her own views of the world and also the patient’s world view. Linguistic and cultural competence can be described as a form of congruent attitudes, behaviors and other policies that are usually stated in an agency, system or among specific professions that help them in having effective work in some situations that are cultural crossed. Culture can be defined as an integrated pattern of behavior of human beings that comprise of language, customs, communications, thoughts, values, belief and action. It also consists of institutions of ethnic, racial, social groups and religious beliefs. Competence refers to the capacity a human being can work whether as an individual or as an organization focusing on cultural beliefs, needs that consumers present and the behaviors of the said group (Moule, 2011, 24).

Cultural competency is important since it is one of the main factors that help in shortening the big gap of disparities in health care. It’s the known way in which the doctors and the patients can get along well to talk about concerns in their health lives without their differences in culture making their conversations difficult but rather enhancing it. The services of health care that have respect and responds to the health practices, beliefs, linguistics and culture have a need of patients said to be diverse can assist in having health outcomes that are positive. The influence that culture and language may have includes the healing, the health and the systems belief wellness (Lum, 2010, 84). It can also influence on knowing how disease and illness causes get perceived by both the patient and the health care provider. It can also influence how the patient acts when seeking any form of health care and determining the kind of attitude they have towards any provider of health care. Culture and language may also affect the service delivery by a provider who sees the world in his own perspective which can hinder patients from some other culture.

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Eliminating Health Disparities

The HHCGA (Hispanic Healthcare Coalition of Georgia) is an organization that was founded to help improve the Hispanics access to health services which does not operate on profit basis. HHCGA realizes the service gap that leads to disparities in Georgia Hispanics and helps in offering direct services to the community (Chesnay, 2005, 67). The HHCGA teaches health educators that always serve as a health care service bridge with the community members. Another method that can be used to eradicate the health disparities is by building some capacity among the health professionals (Lasaki et al, 2009, 15).The organization informs the agencies and individuals on the current disparities in health care system and gives them tips on how to minimize these disparities. This organization gives development services skills to any organization that desires to give high quality, linguistically and culturally services (Chesnay, 2005, 78). The HHCGA have an informing policy that works with the influential decision makers so as to develop some policies that would lead to having better outcomes in terms of health services for the Latinos. HHCGA works better by connecting the health professionals through membership. This helps in offering any form of health related as well as giving other organizations and individuals the chance to coordinate the services in an aim to eliminate completely the health disparities among the Latinos (Roundtable on Health Disparities (2008, 32)

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Elimination of ethnic and racial disparities in the health sector in the Latino community will need efforts that are enhanced in prevention of disease, delivery of proper care and promoting health. This should help in necessitating an improved collection of standardized data so as to identify correctly every high population risks .This should also monitor how effective the health interventions that target these groups are.


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