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Parenting Paper

Part I

Parenting simply implies the relationship between children and their parents in terms of the manner the children are raised. In my own view, parenting is a very important aspect of life from birth to adulthood. It is important as it determines the behavior and general conduct of a child. It is also a sole determinant of discipline in children as they grow up (Baumrind, 1971).

Diana Baumrind’s work examines three major parenting styles (permissive, authoritative and authoritarian). Yes, it is indeed true that each and every parenting style has proven to have effects on children as they grow up. Reflecting on my own parenting history, what Diana Baumrind proposes really makes much sense. For instance, having been brought up by authoritative parenting style, I believe that people need to have freedom of expression and reactions over the laid out systems of discipline, rules and regulations so that everyone acts in the way that each and every member of the society will not be negatively affected. As much as there are strict rules and regulations, reasoning behind the rules and the discipline implementation methods set is highly encouraged and that is what I have come to realize as the true democracy (Baumrind, 1971).

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Looking at the long-term effects of parenting styles through experience, I completely agree with Diana Baumrind that authoritative parenting style models children to grow up as self-confident individuals with well-elaborate positive social values and skills. Considering my experience with individuals brought up by other parenting styles, I can confirm Diana Baumrind’s conclusion on her findings as follows: individuals brought up by permissible parenting style indeed end up engaged in behaviors like drug abuse and alcoholism due to the lack of social values as a result of uncontrolled freedom. On the other hand, individuals brought up by authoritarian parenting style develop much fear for penalties thus unlikely to engage in antisocial habits like alcoholism or drug abuse (Baumrind, 1971).

Part II

Bullying is act of making others feel humiliated or embarrassed through physical or non-physical harassment and torture. Among children, bullying occurs in schools and other social venues. The most affected are the new children brought or introduced in a social group or institution. In my own view, children mostly engage in bullying others for fun and emotional fulfillment. Parenting also affects the behaviors and reaction of children towards others (Hinduja & Patchin, 2009).

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The most effective way to alleviate bullying among children is through teaching social norms and values, especially on how to relate and stay with others. Teaching children on negative effects of bullying will discourage them from this habit. Parents should be encouraged to exercise authoritative parenting style and teach their children how to treat others. Punishments and strict rules will also discourage children from engaging in bullying.

The issue of bullying among children has become of paramount importance considering the fact that many children have launched numerous complaints, especially when they are joining social institutions like schools and colleges (Hinduja & Patchin, 2009). They complain of being mishandled, mistreated, harassed and even embarrassed in front of others. This is the starting point at which the issue of bullying has raised alarm for consideration. As for the time when we should start dealing with this issue, I personally hold the view that a problem tolerated is a problem escalated. Therefore, this issue should be handled as a matter of urgency and with immediate effect so that the issue does not escalate beyond our control.

Apart from applying the mentioned measures, the emerging digital and technological world has brought another form of bullying in children known as cyber-bullying. This is where the Internet, mobile phones and other interactive technological tools are used by children to embarrass, harass and intimidate others. This problem can be solved through strict measures on technology and selecting the right technology for children. Some social tools like phones and the access to social sites like Facebook and Twitter should be closely monitored or controlled (Hinduja & Patchin, 2009). 


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