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Sight Vocabulary

Students in this class will be able to recognize words that rhyme both through sight and by flashcards matching. They will also be able to recognize them by hearing words and telling the tutor verbally Assumed prior knowledge for the students

It is assumed that students should: 

Have the basic reading and listening skills

Be in a position to work in groups and ability to recite rhymes together

Be able to recognize beginning and ending sounds

SIOP Features

Preparation: This involves adaptation of the content

Integration of the process which is the listening and speaking

Scaffolding which involves modeling, the guided practice and lastly independent practice Application that promotes engagement

The formation of group either as whole class or small groups

Finally is the assessment which can take either the form of an individual, group or oral

Some words to be used in assessment will include: this will be used as a take-home assignment for the students. Further texts can be given involving development of rhyming words form words given such as cat, hat and others.

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Teddy bear, teddy bear

Touch the ground

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Climb in bed

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Turn around

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Reach up high

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Touch the sky

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Sleepy head

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Turn out the light

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Say goodnight (Ausubel 1985).

Backward design as a method of deigning curriculum involves setting objectives before choosing the content that is to be taught. In lesson planning, it entails setting the goals before teaching or passing the content to students. In so doing, the teacher is in a position to deliver his content towards achieving those goals hence ensuring that the content given to students is focused and organized. This will in turn promote understandability.

In this method, unlike in the traditional curriculum planning which entailed one planning what is to be taught, backward design is goal focused as one starts with the goals followed by assessment and finally lesson plan. In lesson planning, traditional method is discouraged as it’s like hitting the road hoping to get to your final destination backward design is a road map.

By using backward design and UbD matrix as presented, it will enable the teacher in establishing goals that meet standards of the lesson, considering the essential questions to be answered, focusing on the better understanding of students, the content knowledge acquired and finally assessing the skills that the students have acquired from the study.

These two approaches will assist both the teacher and the students during assessment (which can take the form of formative and summative) in ensuring that the objectives of the lesson are met. The teacher will ensure that goals are assessed and not any other content. Besides, backward design and UbD matrix approach ensures that lessons flows towards as planned by following the questions listed and the elements of the elements of the UbD matrix. This flow is guided towards the set goals and that understanding and learning is properly assessed.

This lesson is aimed at understanding every element of the UbD matrix provided in the text. All this is geared towards the students understanding of phonemes and rhyming words. In this topic, students should cover writing, reading and illustrations of rhyming statements. They should be able to choose rhyming word from a passage, give rhyming words and produce rhyming sounds. For those non English natives, they will cover how to use English to acquire, apply, interpret and transmit information for content area reading. They will develop skills in English up to a proficiency level whereby they can collect data, factual ideas, define relationships, concepts and generalizations and also apply these knowledge generated from texts. All students should be in a position to read, write, speak and hear rhyming words.


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