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Ethical Standing of Genetics

There has been rapid development in genetic engineering in the contemporary world, which has been profoundly influencing the future of the world. This is due to the human capability to manipulate matter at the molecular atomic level, which has offered scientific discoveries and their application to modern life. These advances of genetic engineering have held promise for possible improvements of human at various levels, but there are social and ethical concerns in respect to these advances.

The question is: what about the ethics of genetic modifications? This question leads to the analysis of the benefits and significant harm in relation to genetic engineering in the society, and awakes ethical issues, portraying ethical aspects in relation to genetic engineering to the society and the anticipated benefits and harms.

Genetics are the molecular structures that are concerned with the control and shaping of the structure of living things. The genetic structure contains the materials that define and identify a specific phenomenon from others. These are the small molecular structures that change the shape and characteristics of higher organisms’ structures. The researches in genetic engineering have been viewed as a vital element for economic development due to their capability to broaden the societal goals that include health, productivity and comprehension of natural world. Genetic engineering has a great impact on the society’s development. This has been brought forth by introduction of genetically engineered materials, which are viewed to increase productivity and resistance to variety of pathogenic diseases and pests.

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Genetic engineering is the altering of the genetic materials to a significant degree that is perceived to bring benefits in different fields. There are relevant ethical problems with genetic engineering, which primarily underlay on the risk factor that is associated with these developments. Transfering of genetic materials from one organism to another has been associated with risks to the higher organism due to introduction of new molecular structure that were not present naturally. The risk factor emanates from the spread of these newly engineered organic materials, as they may prove to be more disadvantageous than beneficial for the organism. This genetically modified organism in some instances brings adverse effect to the ecosystem. As it was discovered by the scientists, a genetically modified organism appeared to do harm to other organisms, which were natural to the ecosystem, due to its toxicity that contrasts the factors in which it was engineered to perform.

The ethical problem of biotechnology approach displays in the limited basic principles, which must be generally accepted in order not to bring forth the risk problem instead of benefiting the society. The evaluation of risk to benefit of genetic engineering has not been defined clearly and this could result in future harm to the ecosystem, which would setback the interests, particularly in health life and welfare. The risk-benefit relation can be propagated by comparison of the anticipated benefits magnitude to the harm magnitude. This process is driven by the ethical obligation to prove no harm infliction and promotion of benefits that are generally accepted. The ethics is concerned with the autonomy of organisms, which are naturally self-determinated and have the right to own their life independently. The transformation of organisms fundamentally through genetic engineering can have adverse effects, as it is aimed mostly at trying to prevent aging and enhance productivity in relation to other organisms.

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The ethical aspect itself shows the respect to human rights and, at the same time, displays hopes for genetic engineering to improve the human living conditions. The removal of aging could mean transforming humans to immortal and more intelligent and these factors take people much farther from the knowledge level, that is present today. The moral limits of human, thus, need to remain at level, which defines humanity and, therefore, it is impossible to use benefits and integrity toward the genetic engineering which transgresses the limits of ethics.


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