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Safety Professionals

Geary Rummler’s ‘Human Performance Problems and Their Solutions’ is an article that addresses employees’ performance problems faced by organizations and presents valid solutions through the analysis of an individual in his or her working environment. There are three key points in the article that one can use to ensure committee members learn how to manage safety performance problems in an organization. First, do all committee members understand the difference between deficiencies of knowledge and deficiencies of execution? Secondly, how do committee members identify safety problems within the organization? Which are the measures that are likely to improve employee performance? Thirdly, how do committee members formulate a workable framework for troubleshooting performance problems?

There are several major points that must be emphasized when evaluating human performance problems. First, an organization must accurately define its safety performance standards. This must entail what the safety standards are and whether every employee meets these standards on a daily basis. Secondly, an organization must compare the on-the-field experience to its theoretical approach and set a benchmark for the acceptable level of performance. Thirdly, there must be an employee evaluation technique. Can these employees do a perfect job if their lives were on the line? Have they dropped their standards over the years? In addition, an organization must put in place a mechanism that detects, notifies and compels employees towards meeting the set standards. Finally, an organization must state any positive or negative consequences that are resultant from good or poor performance. This includes feedback from their bosses, subordinates and peers.


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There are two questions that I would like to address in the written assignment. First, can the safety committee identify and group performance symptoms? Secondly, can this committee come up with general solutions to the inherent groups of problems that the firm faces? In order to solve these questions, I would have to identify individual problems and then group them. I would then find workable solutions for each group.

I would use the following criteria to assess each committee member’s work after submission: I would evaluate whether the problems are real/tangible. Secondly, I would determine whether they are worth solving.



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