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Explain the importance of the following three founding principles to America's republican form of government, to its society, and to the lives of its citizens
1. Personal and political freedom
To America’s republican form of government, personal and political freedom has promoted autonomy, and encouraged a democratic form of governance where citizens are free to question the government and participate in making government policies. Political freedom has helped the republican form of government to freely and fairly appoint, nominate, and elect political leaders who are true representatives of the American citizens. Through political and personal freedom, the American’s republican form of government has been able to exercise governance which is free of coercion and oppression. The ultimate importance is that there has been development of a strong and health relationship between the government, aspiring politicians and the citizens in general (Hayek, 1999).
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To the America’s society, personal freedom has enabled free interaction, association and exchange of material and immaterial ideas between individuals. Personal freedom has also contributed to free expression of ideas and sentiments from various individuals, which have contributed to the ultimate success of the society. On the other hand, political freedom has been of great importance to America’s society since it has enabled establishment of an equal and level political ground within the society. Through political freedom, every member of the society who is qualified to become a politician can freely join politics based on interest, ability and performance. This Principe has enabled the American society to give equal opportunities for its members in the political arena and in terms of personal expression/conduct (Hayek, 1999).
To American citizens, personal freedom has enabled them express their views freely without hesitation or fear. It has also given citizens a chance to lead their lives freely without interference and at he same time, freely express their feelings, what they want and what they do not want. The political freedom has helped citizens by subjecting them to a free and fair political ground where they can vie or choose their political representatives in an independent manner. The principle has generally enabled citizens to exercise their rights and capabilities on both personal and political grounds (Hayek, 1999).
2. Legal equality and equal opportunity
To the America’s republican form of government, exercise of legal equality and equal opportunity has portrayed a government system which is free of discrimination in terms of provision of opportunities to its citizens and carrying out of legal actions. Everyone has equal rights towards all legal aspects and opportunities of the government (Racuhut, 2008). The republican form of government has gained from this principle by building a good reputation to the public and thus gaining massive support and contributions. In terms of service delivery, the principle has enabled the government to provide and establish legal systems which serve the varying interests of the public without discriminations (Racuhut, 2008).
The America’s society has benefited from the principle of legal equality and equal opportunity in terms of serving the interest of its members. Through the principle, the society has been able to establish systems and abide by rules and regulations which do not allow discrimination on both legal aspects and provision of opportunities. The society has been able to distribute its resources equally and provide equal chances for any opportunities that arise. The society has also benefited by adopting a culture that is democratic, which promotes each and every one’s interests (Racuhut, 2008).
To the American citizens, the principle of legal equality enables them to be equality treated by the legal systems in place and thus, justice is done. They are also given equal opportunities to access legal systems and seek help were necessary. The principle of equal opportunity enables citizens to participate equality in any State or societal affair where by each one of them is given equal chances of benefiting from the opportunity. The principle has helped citizens to freely and fairly exercise their legal rights as well as opportunities in place (Racuhut, 2008).
3. Separation of powers, checks and balances
Separation of powers, checks and balances is a principle which has been of great importance to American republic form of government. First, it has enabled the republican government to serve the diversified needs and demands of the public easily. This is because of decentralization of power from a single source which has taken the government services close to the people. Separation of powers has also helped the government to monitor and check its officers and hold them responsible for various faults in service delivery. The checks and balances have enabled the government plan well for its resources and ensure equal and balanced distribution of resources within the States. The principle has also helped the republican government in portraying democracy and motivation in serving the interests of the members of the public. Each and every State resource is monitored, checked and accounted for by the government through this principle (Racuhut, 2008).
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To the society, separation of powers, checks and balances has enhanced accountability and service delivery to the members. Here, the members have been able to access various services and participate in various activities without traveling longer distances. The society has benefited through easier and simplified form of management as well as service delivery to its members. It has also been able to trace and make use of its available resources in a balanced, accountable and fair manner. Power sharing culture has also been instilled in the society where members have adopted the culture of being responsible, accountable and balancing the resources allocated to them (Racuhut, 2008).
The American citizens are the great beneficiaries of this principle since they have been able to access help from authorities without traveling longer distances. They have also benefited by receiving equal share of allocated State resources and other forms of service delivery. Citizens have also had the opportunity to interact with their leaders and contribute effectively to the leadership styles being practiced because of power separation and decentralization. Separation of powers has enabled citizens to choose leaders who they are comfortable with and at the same time have confidence in. Lastly, the principle has instilled the virtues of accountability and responsibly to the citizens (Racuhut, 2008).
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