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Measures to Put in Place to Gap Failures to Timely Share Intelligence

The government in collaboration of security agency has a responsibility to ensure that the citizens are protected from various security threats. These threats may range from terrorism to other criminal acts that may endanger the lives of civilians. To achieve this perfectly, there must be close cooperation between the relevant security arms. Sound policies should be enacted to ensure that information and critical intelligence is efficiently shared. In some circumstances, criminals are quite sophisticated in the sense that if intelligence is not well collaborated; it will be difficult to confront such crimes.

Timely share of intelligence in the United States is quite complex because of a couple of reasons, but the major factor is because of the large investigative agency community in this country. The United States is one of the countries in the world with elaborate investigative authorities. This ranges from their Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to many other agencies either in special or disciplined forces. One would think that with such enormous investigative authorities, it would not be easy for criminal activities to occur. That is not correct United States is always fighting criminals with little success.

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The main problem is how to disseminate perfectly the intelligence within the relevant bodies. This is quite a challenge and unless there is an efficient way of timely sharing of intelligence, crime would not be fought successfully. All this investigative agencies are quite autonomous and work independently under different departments. This makes it difficult for timely share of intelligence. There are various protocols governing colleting and disseminating of intelligence that creates unnecessary barriers between the investigative authorities.

            For instance, the central intelligence agency is quite different from the federal bureau of investigation despite the fact that their sole objective is to dig up intelligence. It is quite complex to share information between two separate organizations. Obviously, these organizations operate under different regulations. This makes sharing of any credible information difficult. That why in the past heinous crimes have occurred in this land. People had to lose their loved ones and property despite the fact that some investigative agencies had connecting evidence but they failed to share intelligence in time.

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            It is high time that the concerned authorities should think of restructuring the investigative bodies to enhance timely sharing of intelligence. I think they should come up with policies that strongly advocate for national sharing of intelligence for the sake of national security. There should be close coordination between the agencies to make sure that criminals do not strike while some agencies somewhere are sitting on useful information. Why should people die or lose their properties because of rivalry between investigating authorities. A workable police need to be enacted to promote timely sharing of intelligence between concerned authorities.

            A policy should promote a strong culture of sharing intelligence and other crucial leads. This would help authorities to deal with emerging issues and stop crimes where possible. Secondly, the policies enhance the channels of information sharing. Reliable technology should be applied to make it easier for agencies to share intelligence in time. The policies should make information as efficient as possible. This would mean that all investigative agencies should be centralized. Centralization would do away with the bureaucracy that has been hampering timely sharing of intelligence.

Measures that can improve government’s disaster preparation apparatus

            Looking at how disasters strike and how the government responds, it is worth noting that the government needs to adjust in some ways to effectively salvage lives and property. The way people react to disasters is quite crucial, the first few minutes of a disaster a very critical to victims. Sometimes people have lost lives simply because nobody could reach them in time. The government should strengthen their response apparatus to ensure that victims are attended to as soon as possible. The aim of any disaster response is to control the situation from going worse. Disasters can be contained and hazards prevented if the response is timely.

            In general, the government need to restructure its disaster preparation apparatus to be able to controls loses from disasters, disseminate emergence assistance victims, and attain swift and effective recovery. The government can properly emphasis these through mitigation efforts. Mitigation can be achieved through enforcing things like building cords and public education. The second one is preparedness. The government needs to have a clear plan on how to respond to disasters through emergence planning. The other issue is response; the authorities should strengthen responses systems in order to rescue people from danger. All these are critical if the government want to properly attend to emerging issues.

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What are the risks of allowing racial profiling?

            Most people used to consider racial profiling as illegal way of tracking potential suspects in the United States. However, the situation changed after September 11, most people now advocate for racial profiling as a way of fighting crime. Racial profiling has the potential to attract sympathy to the culprit from members of his or her race. People become passionate when it comes to ethnicity and sometimes racially analyzing potential criminals can be viewed as victimizing their community. Law enforcement agencies need to be cautions when fighting crimes that are associated to a particular section of people.

            A situation like what is happening in the Muslim world can really be complicated in criminology. The other risk of racial profiling is that sometimes the investigator is forced to disregard all the revealing evidence about a criminal and only focus on ones ethnicity. This is quite unfortunate as all members of a society have the potential to commit crimes and not just a particular ethnic group. Racial profiling can also alienate the people who can provide evidence and help fight crime because they are already condemned even though they are innocent. In summary, racial profiling should be discouraged, as it is discriminative.

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Is the reading of a suspect’s Miranda Rights still necessary?

            Reading of a suspects Miranda rights is quite necessary. It is extremely important for a suspect to be informed of their crimes shortly after being arrested. It will help them adequately prepare for their defense. Moreover, Miranda rights will guide the prosecutor on what to judge the suspect. Informing the suspects is among the basic tenets of the principle justice. One should presume innocent until proved guilty. Miranda rights are very necessary both in law and in criminology.

Programs that can be used to develop relationships with the community?

            Several programs can be implemented to boost the relationship the society and law enforcement agencies. Such programs promote better understanding between the law enforcers and the citizens. A program like citizens academy provides the community with an opportunity to interact with law enforcement agencies. The community gets the chances to know their rights and appreciate the work that various departments do to promote their security. The community need to know that agencies that fight crime exist to make them live safely. Other educative programs like community policing can help promote the relationship between the communities the community and the law enforcement agencies. It gives citizens a chance to contribute towards peace in the community.


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