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Project Proposal for a Wholesale Engine

This project proposal is for awholesaleenginedistributinglinethrough the website. The title of thisproposalis EngineTech. From research, it isevidentthat most customers order engines from the website. With the 30-minute interviewtime, much of it willgoto interview a person who is currently undertaking this project then the remaining time is abuyerof these products togetthemarketscope of these engines.

It has been a long-termdesireto find out ways how one can empower andenrichself. With enough capital, one canundertakethis project andmakemuchprofitout of it. This enables one to be self-enriched and empowered. One canundertakethe various contracts as stated below.

The project involvescertainprocedures.To facilitate theenginetransactions, the useelectronic signaturesthatare legally recognized,and the nature of these negotiations ismainlyelectronic.This project of purchasing engines istrickyand requires muchkeenness.It involves many risks up to agreat number oflosses.Market choices that existneed much information. Once one establishes a contract,he should gathera lot of information, like about its interests, if they conform to the government legal requirements. On the other hand, the otherpartyneedsto understand the details that a given contract entails, the taxation information, and all the other necessary information about it.

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Another factor toconsiderin forming contracts is developing something that is acceptable to the seller and the government too. This entails much communication between the other party and thesellerto exchange information. This is to ensurethe reaching ofacommonagreement. The information of the productsreaches the buyerandgives information on the intent to sell and the seller gives the vice versa that is theintenttobuy.After the contract reaches the executorstageimplementation takes place based on the decision reached after enforcement. The goods are then delivered to the other party,andduepaymentsmade.

This information proves that this project istrulyworkable and can be done by anyone who has undergone therespectivetraining.With all this information, the project can be set up andis workable.The information gathered can be given people who are intending to start such aprojectfor it can be used in their planning.

Two people are to be interview. The first is Robert Mills, the sole proprietor of Engine4less.com. He is one of the few people who have undertaken a similar project as this of distributing engines. From recent reports and interviews, Robertideallyis akeenand charismatic businessperson. The interviewoccursvia the internet.Thesecondinterviewee isHudson Knowles the Managing Director of Stonreds Spares and Hardwares, who is afrequentbuyer of engines inwholesale.Heshouldexplainthemarketof these engines sold through the internet, the advantages and disadvantages of this process.

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The problems that are likely to be encountered in undertaking this project are a few. First it is quite time consuming to collectdataabout this proposal. Followingthistime consumption, the timelimitwasshorthencelimitedresearch took place.It is also a challenge tomergethe availability and schedule of the interviewees to the interviewers. The distance was not ahindrancefor mostof theinformationacquired was through the internet.


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