The problem to be examined involves the rules and procedures governing the settlement of disputes under the World Trade Organization.
The Research Purpose: The primary purpose of this research paper is to analyze the rules and procedures governing the settlement of disputes under the World Trade Organization, working on the following articles: Dispute settlement system of GAAT (1947), Article of Dispute settlement system (22, 23), Tokyo Round and the development (1979), Uruguay Round and the achievement of an effective system to settle disputes (1986-1994), The establishment of a dispute settlement system. The secondary purpose is to highlight the stages of the conflict (the stage of the consultations, of resolving disputes through the team, the appeal stage etc.) and find out the alternatives (such as conciliation and mediation) in order to resolve it, create recommendations how to deal with the disputes
The Research Problem: There are three facets of the research problem: (1) the higher increase of the disputes inside the World Trading Organization, (2) the poor knowledge of the rules and procedures governing the settlement of disputes under the WTO, (3) sustainable and peaceful relationships between the countries in the WTO.
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The significance of the research: The members of the World Trade Organization are a lot of countries with different levels of development and position in the world map. What is more, the organization controls the huge field of trading that influence the world economy that is why any drawbacks in any sphere of the organization will lead to big consequences. The study is significant for three reasons. First, since the WTO has some drawbacks in the governing system, the issue of analyzing is crucial. Second, the study will address problems of solving the conflicts between the countries. Third, the significance is in the strategies and methods of solving the conflicts that will be provided in the paper.
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