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Information System Proposal

The most significant asset that brick and mortar store they could have is an information system. Since the business deals with too much data, there is need to filter some data. Some data may be valuable to the business and some might not. Data is valuable to the business if it contributes to their objective. Even though not all business organizations have the same information system, there are a variety of information systems found inside an organization and they have specific responsibilities and roles. For most organizations, there is a diversity of requirements for data. Decision makers require information to facilitate business planning. Managers require more detailed information to assist them control and monitor business activities. Workers with operational roles also require information to assist them carry out their responsibilities.

Consequently, businesses tend to have a number of "information systems" working at the same time. Below are some of the common information systems that could be used in the brick and mortar store.

Executive Support System

The managers of the brick & mortar will spend their time setting up and making important decisions. They will be required to se performance goals, find out whether they’re being accomplished, and regularly scrutinize the external environment for threats and opportunities. To achieve these tasks, they require timely, relevant, and easily understood information. Frequently, they can achieve this through the use of executive information system, which grants ready access to tactical information that’s tailored for their needs and obtainable in a suitable format.

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  • Filters information for management
  • Allows for tracking of information
  • It is efficient for decision makers


  • It is not easy to keep current data
  • May result to insecure and less reliable data
  • If the company is small it might be costly to implement.
  • Too detailed Oriented

Management information system

It is principally concerned with internal sources of information. It takes out data from a file to compile reports, such as inventory-level reports, sales analyses and monetary statements, to help managers make regular decisions. The form and type of the report depend on the information requirements of a particular executive.


A Management Information System provides the following advantages. It makes planning possible, In reduces overload of information ,MIS Encourages delegation , It enhances Coordination, It makes control much easier, It pulls together, processes, stores, Retrieves, assesses and distributes the information.

1.highly sensitive hence requires constant supervision.
2. Buddgeting of MIS very hard.
3. Quality of outputs is determined by the quality of inputs.
4. It lacks flexibility to keep itself posted.
5. Effectiveness decreases as a result of regular changes in top administration

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Decision-support systems

These are purposely designed to help the organization make decisions in situations where there is ambiguity about the likely outcomes of the decisions made. DSS comprise techniques and tools to help collect appropriate information and examine the alternatives and available options (Alter, 1970). A d decision support system has the following benefits;

  1. Improves individual efficiency
  2. Promotes training or learning
  3. Increases control of the organizational
  4. creates new evidence to support a decision
  5. Creates a viable advantage over competition
  6. Encourages discovery and exploration on the decision maker
  7. Generates new approach to coming up with ideas about the problem space
  8. It automates the decision-making processes.


1. The decision support system necessitate investing in information scheme to assemble data from many sources and examine them to support the decision making hence it is costly.
2. Unanticipated effects. Implementing decision support systems may have unexpected consequences. Some Decision Support Systems may reduce the expertise needed to carry out a decision task.
3. Obscuring liability. The computer cannot make a "bad" decision, people can. Sadly some decision makers may redirect personal accountability to a Decision Support System.
 False belief in objectivity. Computer software can promote more coherent action, but managers can also use decision support to systems to rationalize their actions.
4. Status reduction. Some decision makers argue using a Decision Support System may lessen a manager’s status and force them to do clerical work.

5. Information overload.


As we have seen, different operational units, managers, and functional organizations have different information needs (Karen, 2010). That’s why business organizations often modify information systems to meet their particular needs. In conclusion, brick & mortar, nostalgic record store would use the folloeing information systems;

  1. transaction processing system
  2. decision support system
  3. management information system
  4. office automation system and
  5. enterprise resource planning


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