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My High School Experience is Rather Diverse

Since the early years, I and my parents dreamed of only one thing – improving the life of the family. The best way to achieve this was to get a college degree and succeed in the future by making a career. Since my parents did not have an opportunity to go to college, I became the first one in my family to do such a step.

My high school experience is rather diverse. I finished ten classes of school in India with high scores in calculus and statistics. After my family had moved to the US 5 years ago, I went to a local high school and successfully finished it. When being a college student, I experienced a number of obstacles, preventing me from graduation on time. Since my father got ill, I had to take over the family and got myself two jobs. I took a skip year in college; however, when I came back the next year, I knew I wanted to go for the graduate study in Computer Science. I believe my career has to be computer related in all ways, as I have a good understanding of computers. I took special software and programming related classes and worked with the specialized databases while working for a medical company, and that was the time I realized I have to change my major from medicine to computer sciences. I believe that obtaining the computer knowledge is essential in the era of computer technologies and never-ending progress. I am currently working on my undergraduate degree with considerably high 3.45 GPA. This would definitely help me to stay one step ahead of the rest of my competitors.


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Besides work, I have done a lot of volunteering and received an award for 300 hours of community work. I have experience of two years of volunteering service at Evergreen Hospital, which later continued while helping people after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. I believe we have to help other people, especially those in need, so that one day we will get help, as well. I sincerely believe that becoming a computer expert would become a groundbreaking change in my life and help me succeed professionally.



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