I was rather nervous before the start of the class last semester. The name of the class sounded quite intriguing and made me focus on it. My expectations were based on the stories of the senior students and graduates I knew. The amount of information, however, was a bit too big, to make a clear conclusion of it. That is why the first thing I understood was that everything would be new and entertaining for me in this class. I was told that I would have to do some research and writing. It has not scared me, as I like to search and analyze any sort of written data. It makes me feel more intelligent and well-informed. I was also expecting to meet a lot of new people in the class, with whom I could discuss the new course-related issues.
As the class started, I understood that most of my predictions turned out to be completely wrong. From the first day in class, I started realizing the real objective of this course – it aimed to help us, undergraduate students, make a summary of what we have done in the first years of our study. Besides that, I have learnt how to bring my thoughts together in a matter of time, in case I needed to do a quick pop-quiz based on the knowledge I had. I liked the creative writing assignments, as they allowed me to develop professionally, proving I can do this kind of job. Doing all sorts of presentations, I experienced the positive sides of public speaking and interaction with the audience. Most of the assignments I did in this class had been already familiar to me from the other classes. The approach, however, made a difference. I did a lot of studying based on instructions, relating to my specific assignments. This was a unique way to learn to obtain the information via all kinds of sources.
During this course, I have discovered a positive quality of my own that I did not pay attention to before – persistence. In order to work on a project, I had to set a goal and go for it. There was no option of retreat or delay, as everything had strict deadlines that I had to meet. On the other hand, I noticed that I cannot stay focused on the subject for a long time. This made me reread all my assignments twice before turning them in. Sometimes, I had minor mistakes that could cause the loss of sense in the entire paper, and they were caused solely by the short-time loss of focus on the matter. One of my life goals became to eliminate such a feature of mine and get myself to be more concentrated on any task that I would undertake in the future.
I feel very proud of myself as, during this course of study, I have completed the entire research project all on my own. I visited the libraries, used the Internet resources; however, I did not ask my friends to help me with anything. It was totally an accomplishment of my own. Unfortunately, concentrating on certain things sometimes led to leaving behind some other essential parts of the course. Hopefully, I would be able to catch up by the end of semester.
When taking this class, I proved my professional skills, obtained during the study in my university. Now it is quite interesting for me to continue my education by applying to a Master’s program, possibly in a different learning institution. I would use all I had learnt in the course of my study, to become an excellent expert in my field and receive a Master’s degree, which would prove my proficiency, self-dedication, and professionalism.
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